10 Slowly but surely Nature applied to their wounds the greatest of all selves. The time came when they stood in the glow of an autumn day and wandering through a deserted part of old Innwood. they came out upon a little headland, and there together they watched the sunset tint all of the Palisades beyond, and the beautiful miracle unfolding before them brought them back to a thrilling realization of the beauty of life and all it still held for them. They rehized as they turned to each other that they had exchanged burdens —.nayl tint tlrm burdens they ind carred. had vanished into the dim mists of memory . Life opened befcr themanew, with its wonderful vistas of hope, of Love! As hand in hand they came inner over the hill slope they arrived at a bench where old Dr. Dan carpenter seemed to be asleep in the sunlight. Blzfiizgzczhsn Laura knelt beside him and threw her arms around him: "Uncle Dan--I want _y'o_1_:;,,£irst of all}, to know!" and the nan on tin other side, seeing the doctor's face with the sublime light of Death upon it, whispered huskily; V ifimnmpmixnnzduxix "Laura--.13 knows!" . -3. . , , > 1’ ' ,1? V‘ X‘. / 5}‘ ;,-‘-.,._.3i“» Nrhm ‘+4 'bt1er People's Troubles" Ins suggested to the Lhd through I. personal experience of her own. Her little boy of eighteen montln was dropped down stairs by a nurse. Sfter several months, he was operated upon —a terrible operationv-Trepanning. The mother was told that the operation meant either Death or possible cure, but without the operation the child would never be normal, and she took the chance, from which later her baby died.