Wfl W3, ,.Y¢,¢«“9 5 the competitive/ioanter of New York, he lad. evexy reason to

that he would make a. suooeu of ranohimg, and bring to it moreover a certain

rational Business sense, which in deploz-ably looking in present day znetlndo of farming. First of all we bought a 640 acre grain tram fifteen miles tram 0&1.-

gary, e tin-inns, boom oity whose dependmoe it largely upon the egriolzlturalfl /"*"v“"'-“-C‘


resources of the province.

building were all modern and up to date. had house the implements over the winter, instead or leaving them out as was the custom of the country, 9:__waete. my husband said, of at least 35% of their value .

\%*‘s’ We had. cattle shade $ feet long, wlnre. throng: rented lanes our osttle were

During an unexpectedly savage hlisnrd, in which hundreds of putt? pol, trapped in oouliel /~‘)

able to come for shelter from stem: and fox-water.

and gulohea, or against zenee um , we lost not a single head, and neighbor! who had laughed at the newcomers "putting up fancy sheds, when the cattle can rustle tor themselves" laughed no‘1onger. wflo.

other sheds began to go up all around. no in tact. Ufi to this: time my only experience with country life. was that gathered from owning a"ho1:ee at orients mint, uauaroneek. where I lived tor three years. 8. 1-evollation to me. Sometimes I felt like one in a dream. It leaned. in-

‘. Farm Lite on

oz-edible that it was actually 1. used. to the teaming, seething throngs of a

great city. who was living row on an Alberta ranch. The great distances, the rmarkafnle vistas. the incredible horilono, the mix-ages and the phenomenon

of sky and earth merged into one great brooding hue, seemed to not no

apart frat all the world. Indeed we seemed to be on the top or the world, looking out into space. ‘share was no limit to the distances about no. ' I could

look to the north, the out, the south and the west and all I olw was iv

rolling prairie, dim brown under a sky that was eternally ed. with sun.