
bar, I927

‘V » VII‘ gr. Ill‘-ll2r;.,.:1:~;‘,,“ ' alllllm-l 1'lllL,m.


} Red « STAN_DARD—Smn rnnst Pmlzr» FLEXIBLE; FINE—A. mm.

men. A aplendxd correspondence point. em as a watch-spring. Fine. tapered point;

r rum flexrbllnty. For home and general l had: at any angle. Loved us“ by ulenogmphers.

Green ’RICvlD—-Tempered toammr Blue—~BLUNT—An lmpmvecl stub plate hardness. Will not shade even under polnl. This point makes a broad line. May l"""\"Y Pressure. 1' ' ' lor manilolcl- be held In any posldnn. Lllted by rapid 1 mg. The srlr.-snmn'a lnend. wnterg.

P_llI‘p Ie~»~STl FF; Fl NE—\Vrires Yellow-» ROUNDED—A dtflerent J Wltllulfl pressure. Makes a (hm. clr line pen pomt. The tip ls ball shape. Makes: l and small figures with unemng accumcy, heavy,chnr.u:r llne withnutpreaaure. Popular wnh accountants. Suns lelt-handed writers.

We have solved the problem of pen nib selec~

tion. The colour of the band on the holder tells the whole story. You can now select with con- fidence exactly the pen nib best writing requires. . 4 A fine, broad, stub, flexible or stiff point may be y,,,, W, M ' . Z selected at a glance. You can’t go wrong. The mer- v ‘I’ '"“*v~ I e 2 chant who sells Wa terrnan’swillbe glad to demon- l = strate. He and we want you to be perfectly pleased.

;_ lull. VJ,

'1'"!-lzfi» , ; lwk I l cflsk to See

llllu wvlllllllf 2- I U Q 9

x l: V Waterman’s Number Seven

Try nllsix nihs. Select [he one that suits 3-an best.

00 l l When you buy a Waterman's you buy perpetual pen service. $ ‘Q l It will pay you to spend a few minutes in selecting exactly ;l the pen you should have.

3 V Cu rm-xtccd since 1883 and until 1983- flgulglvltwg Cslzlizmull “one hundred years of pen service II»: at r -' '

rullient Ripple Maui-nrlvel‘! _ - - _ M t al I‘\Ibbcr.prorected wlt=hnlI1~p- L. E- Waterman Company‘ Llmlted on re

gunrd Io prevent larealkliflfl. New York Chicngn Boston Sun Frtm'~"'“° and an unequaled. p-named filllng device.