Junel:3,1{J25 MacLean:S Magazine . {wluclu nlsn Cl |/mull) 0 ll’!- §"}',“m punt Thuluywon in ll mm. }”,“.,M, mm nluug unu 5l!lL' .4 l. . ‘mm ,1... n-nmum u{ u llrrllhlr V v / 7/ H ‘Ugh angle.‘ lE\‘L\\l|‘|“ll1. ll'1|\lllg I V , 77/ / . w,;,.,;.., [llrr||I|,l \\ Illl lu MI}. I ,‘ / j % ‘ ‘HM: town xutlun, um, l'“..-iliili Hm npprunrlnm: lulu“, ‘ Mmly ufLll1¥~4p\\'i1ll>‘ mm sun in ilI:I\,-20 \'L-xululiun nu flrllrlulllly ugtlmlu, uml un|v:<>I r0:~(nrml n|.d lllllllflul clo_\m.1lm\ui1lc \\‘1lllii|l . ]IurlIiIIJ5 ll |5 Iml LP!‘ <.,. k,}\...,. umv wltll hum»; ; Sum-mm mm the mm.-., ,,,,,_..c in grant rr\\'L-runuc. M work or spn-us ur IlL‘lh|-Lguglfi; mnny lmzemls or n nu»-L rum, rent butflr WlIL'l’l3|lI 1 less um; rmm. Tllfly suyllmt Llmlnlllg mu‘, built by tun hrutlmrsr iUlnsu1Ju——ni\rl lL‘i uuvli lirullwr ml. spirit.-Alllruw Hm‘ llllgp pliu‘l* C:-rtxunlytlu-»:p:ri|;«.-mi “.011, [or mimy ul llw llllgv uro ton lL'L‘L lung. and (hm- twins luyurpn Inynr, [lip of the run hemp; flltcvxl feel. um I\wnly»f|\i- tn rt-my leul in xunislmil “Great People" ure y mm wlio lult um: nmrlis . |llIl“|I|ll‘l’ll)l’(\l Pumipn among us am: rvnuuivs ni :vInmL_wnrk ry (lIllI‘I‘t'lll’ Cllbbl nr bullrling , , \ , , , 1.u'.1 \\‘nlvr—nm'n nn u . . _L$' 'y/ " 0 L. ts; l ~ , »- N’)!/. //// .. he ll|‘Il.\l‘l)l)\}{lt‘ of ulixoliillon nglmi: W1-rytlilng, um! 11; : uL lll.\‘L'l.l\', ma cllliullllw iuul um ‘llw nmumrk lu»|uw. 'l'liL-I\ I (“H-9 (1 ~:qu:m', uml \\‘lllllll ’ :nl1ln.rm|-pl.u- , ml flu-so 4; lu-lung in llll‘ "amzill vuirl ulm In ml here before (lm-4 rume lll )fl‘I‘.‘ll \\ur~ ; lm north The l\V1|lllll-\IL‘1 still ‘ lllH.’Sl.S to In» lmuuvml \\lUl pm-t diuelloru, zmrl \\I|l nut -r llwm. Tlw_\ ll2lV\: ,sLm'1rs llJllLl| llmin lllu‘ Llmsu or our mud (le.sIrxln> hum M :1 we ulm MET!‘ “.‘l1\m llll‘ lu up ~ti|l:~peul; l|l{E llll.‘ ll(rs‘D puoul I: the ' uml, indeed‘ the E5é’l=??“5il??3i“W‘i‘“* I No Schrader Valve can “Slow Leak.” L‘|mlinL'lI), \\'l\("l|Ci.‘ the Col» cluii-{fly lhllqnlei ha: ii scalrp ' , filllll‘tfilLlCll4L:;‘\l)nl':"llIO::l{E' A if this Valrve Cap is screwed down tight by hand i.;:e:::.€:,$;l J;;:: ‘ ““5' ‘"015 ’“‘°.“’“ '0 “'9 Do two things and your tires will not lose Schrader Valve Caps cos: little. They are v“ air through the valve: among the lowest—priced accessories that 5'" ’~“£~1Im'1r1— And in “"5 (1) screw :1 Schrader Valve Cap over every are essential to an automobile. Sold by use£;°"n !Cth““_“5"{T“L‘{‘; Schrnder Valve. Then you l<1mwit’s on. morg than 100,000 dealers in all parts of M ‘ no :19 A when tight it forms an :|bsolutL‘lV mr- the world where motor cars are used. [1 t, P)“ I . t1gl'|t§ECDI\dflsl');5E:1{l- V I I _d d Five Schrader Valve Caps come in the YHHS IC Z‘ H3 Elli v E‘ V[: D5‘ '35 an o Eideqatl cizgfiiséil 3150' ' (Z) 11:l:’e9“€’?l(;l:;Ibf)l‘.\rIflOI::CflYE2ll'y0l'5D0nEf red and blue metal box’ cosbtmg 35c‘ The m 2 ' 1 r - . ut _ - . us mi§:i;Doa§{E’xI\x’impm||Dd ‘ If they have become d;,m;.ged_ name Schradar 15 on every ox me: -c k :1 Her ‘5’““§;l[1er=*t’f]C‘lIritY:E31‘r‘l h“ A. SCHRADER'S SON, Inc., TORONTO. Brooklyn Chicago London without leaving any glvuzs to let later peoples or certain of this strnngE the ancient nxce or where i A A 2 can now sny with cer- nrs that the Polynrsinns Igled with the Cunstal . .rm}ricn in the days when smlurs. {or similar wulfi Ma mum some imessimilnr , , d‘ t kers of Pneumatic Valves SIIICC 1844 nth in South Americn 8. It would nnpenr nllm, xzends. that when the , , [ a! many or the islands I M1 5m earlier race living . Y '_dIspussessezl. Further lll ancient graves aome- . , 2 Melnnexinn type rnther ‘{1n.Wl1ile nlsa in_Melnn— lEl'_llll'lCl{ race seems to Iwion in ancient times. "