_M.ay/air,0ctobz’r. 1930 I ACALIFORNIA ETTED B EAUTY


:1. September I

l the fortunes of on servatives are in the ipitnl from diflemm th pleasurable amid . \/hile the country disguib-i inisters. Ottawa haunt:

“"3 ti. ascen Pans"

:bruar_v, will be an un_ ut the debuts of the G; of attention upon that“; rge number of débmmnz

d of—_l:inet Southam,d;nL¢ tlifle; Jrinet VVilsoii, dang},-_. ible Senator Cairine ll} ago and took an £lCtiVt[u' last election. Anne audit 7,. Foster Wilson, of thcxlii iret made their clébutsiin: , daughter of Colonel aiidl

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip iii r.-int; Marian Gale, daugh: srs, clauglitcr of Mr. and!’ of Mrs. W. J. Bnskervillti Paris; jean Finnie, daugliir ry, daughter of Mr. aridl‘

from Europe; ]osely11ll.-‘V Luella lrvin, daughierolfl -r of Mrs. Arthur Broplii-l5 Marian Coolidge. dfl“El“‘_ nt, daughter of Mt 4"“ um: s,u.nN . IN THE

SETTING FOII HI-III Pl\1'll|('lAh' lIEAl'T\'

l~‘Olt.\IAl. FRENCH MANNEH . IS A rrrrriru;

HOUSANDS OF l\lll,l‘S from l’.iris, yet .1 skin nice with :1 minimum of time urul pnins. l'l’L‘Si!El’1L'l' tu li.inish lingering oiliiiess, close iinil

volt forward to and the olil--; m/ml as l"reiich as if its Wll|(l()\i-‘S upencd on uennlt “_um1L.r{ui CUM Cram"! It C]L.;m§C,. 50 reiluecpures, tone l|l‘ILl i1X‘ll1,]7l’()rl|0[I.' n.itur.il color. look back "pom “mm ilm Chlm-‘PS llilysécs lm msc Mu] Hula“ Per‘ l3€rfeLtl)'. ‘”“l the °“‘l"l5'"3 Tl‘5”'~'5 ""9 ll‘? “"0 I.ruI~siiiuutli nu l’niul's V.H1lSlll"l_~' Creiim fur lc legs imri uing. 35” e" Sfifllflg lur the \.itriei.iu l>L‘:l\l(y nr i\lrs. Q. ;S ;.m,.-- \\'.|\' tu remove the L|'0-l”'- muler lmse, irut1.’LtIt.)n, ext uisite finish.

9 ..1t ) . P I

~'i:£0V Hoivnrlfi -~ ~ -- - ' . . - - -- . . ld successful Event‘ “5 u l1’ anppliiiefi In (llull Mm Llu‘ “wring her "l llki‘ ‘ll? l‘”-“l“5"9r {Ur "5 ‘l""{'l‘"’.~’ l{”'‘' 3/’ //(r/I177/L’-—LlL'i|l’1'iE with Cultl Cream unil wipe M season‘ and succcs 13 :5’ i I ( ( “mom \' P¢‘‘’fil‘“C "ml l‘“““5” it “"“‘!er“L‘§ "'l"‘F“ “"_‘l“ .iw;iy iiith (,lC.Ill§ilIg ‘I issues. ll‘ yuiir skin is ilry, drcds of Ottawa Poop-‘fit Mrs‘ sprcckcl-S is Ont of the lie<t-kiiuwli nICl1\- nut iiniluly drying the skin._ 'l lit \ -'"l9l“"§1 11.1!’ in 2| little Tre=li cre.ini .inil leave nn oi crniglit. (3 Canadian Bar /\ss0]C1““, {firs of this (lIStlHg\llSl‘lC(l C.ilil'urniu i.iniil_v. Cl'E.ll11lS.ll1iilL‘i!lIIOWTCI‘lhlW.‘TlflLCl1’,"5Ull|.'lYC‘l| ‘cot touch. Two or U A. "l¢lY traveled «he is i'< much it liunie in Pxiris ||’1Ll trim througli the Ul’||_1L‘St t my _ _ I ,. V .. . . _ . . _ I iutfit. Gre is being T‘, ndun and New 3 urk as in her u.itive .\.in l‘l’.ll'l- - . , ) 1% oi’ Pniul s i\lctli0ilr _ Y “an dsc A . l<nllu\v these llur stti. is being taken uP "M, It h°c-r gifted hostess. she Cl1fCl‘L|lli‘§ lirilli.intl}' Dmwm Mr Jm,_fir.t_ rm. timr.,,.g), cleansing, t he wears may be funk den ctnligntty estate, with its cliariuing ruse g.ir- m-fly 1.Ppl)v P‘;mi.< CUM Crmuuv w\.L.,.‘,] ri"‘cA5 - - o S : i ii - ' V - . itation of being on‘! y ' ‘'rl‘”g'lm°' -mil ilw.iy.: .ifter exposure. l’.it in \\ltll upu.iril,

. - ll“ . kies dulleclthc l1-'|(‘-;l'5:"l‘°ri_: , Uiiseled, xaigziit, her riristncrutic l\Cil\lIy hais Ummmi 5m.i.;._~;, muting to let the fine nil: fink Qua tiger lilités -‘gent "I 0,; ~ _ni‘8TCl1fll\(ing coloring of ai Quentin do 1... ‘four hm, me pnre< .inil limit the (lift tn thu'<ur|.lLC en appeare r um I’, t e . , . eyes of gray, llnll’ like :1 copper hceth V mmhwilpc M‘,_,,y _.|| cmuu .iml ilirt with Sunshine; but the n W: m sunshine’ skin delicate and dc“. l‘(in:|': Cle.inslni.' ' issues, soft, S|l|1L‘l’-:lllSUl’lICl|L

of masculine C05E"m rlimatie discrepanaeii’ not’ the weather Eh°“l y‘ ined or, for it in no ‘" ith the plans {Of 1:9 : rain that was I“ 1 was all over. bserved. rain ha garden party “X C4'|I'5. irdsyof sixteen l1“"d”dP' -csentcd to [Set 01-‘

L pundls is P"°"‘l to '“"'"l“" Mrs‘ Sllrcckels (NEW! Tissueein pe.icli-culnr—tlie eiieli.iiitiiig ?m°"E the beautiful society wniuen who me the I rcicrrcii hy l’iri<——nnw, .15 well sis wliittnl

‘. , . Illt.‘ [7 , _ Ir famous prcpnmmmsl " Hwy “re '1 “mm m ' I -it clcnnsetl skin liriskl}' \\’ItlI I’:-nil S 9")’ woman," she says, “who must keep her 7'/II""l"

gm, mi ma I’mw“ [,4 _ M CAM” 1.", . |)qiL K - ifltv ”rIlllI\\'L‘lI|I(' ' 'l‘urnnm.0ui Y r , . .

l'llNl|‘!l Fllllll lll{l.l(;Ill'F|’l.7l'l|fil'A!IA'l'lUN!4


[Inuit l)riii'.iiTi'ii l’iiri'\k-rriuxs

. " fix-riucrCuiirAN _ P"‘”’ ‘l _gmc;__.;.i_

Num=_.;—~r"””,.,m.m-. __ ,. me ___e City A“ mi... uumi i.» i-mi‘. um: .i .........m- .4: nn.u|.u im