II in pmciict-. 'l'lie.~e things _.irt‘ neat ‘Ht ilmtn but there are iiiteriiatioiial politic~ in CU]-V.\l\l|_‘l' and. too. there i~ the niiiniml piirw. (inc C.llI|tt\1 help \\'oiIL_lL‘H]1.L' J}“' hi’-\\ l11|lLll our gestiire in .\I1]t‘I'lL‘.1 i~' i;U”'|J1 In (mil for there is intieh inure to Colt’ sitlcr than the actual ~.il.ir\' tihieh l\ l\C1llIl—' paid the Hon \incent ,\la~\e\' and hi~ L‘tlIi\l1I'.lL'L‘. There i~ the upkeep of OUT l‘.I1tl‘.t~\} and the Dl1lL‘F[i|ililIlt'. ;\inb:i~<:i— tlfirlitlClHL‘l‘i.ll|1l‘llC‘l1| in \\'n. iingtoit. t~1I0 incau ll]!l1L' \n ,\niba<~.itlor i~ CF’[“l‘°ll°‘l tn iu.iint.itn his eoiiiitr_\"~ [‘TL“1‘.L’°- _l°r after Itli pre~tii:e t~ l\ri.r_ t.iinl} ha\e a nay ttilh them in v.lelJ.ite \liw—i 1i|ltL‘|"~ \\H\ll\l ‘Vtulfti ti ruttze III H.in».ird in Llfi ithni tltl: .\liu'i~iz:r ;ll_C{in]Iy1lt‘l|4:L1 iii r:.\;actl}‘ t\iel\e \\‘|Il'ti‘: “ HE ‘l#"»rrtu~i denial \\‘lH(l| _ iflllirtwd ilrst rt-pun, .,[ lht Lnnteniplzi t ed Ft:'-‘.itrt|‘i_ 1"”! ‘ti l’rIiieip.i| R liriitr l_“ll"’ "‘l Qtiizi.-ii'u LVHl1I3r5i1\‘ l'\HiL’\1r'rl|, lizive la.’ “H mun“ 1tll£|\'L‘\.l thi- ping], tn Hm CU”_ . _ ,- ,, iii,Lti:)ii. ]l’lIlLl[i.|l ltiylitr (lur_ ’”l> “U I‘€‘“1IIL> mnntli has an- imiiuci-.J lll~(,‘lI].":'1¥Cl11LIH ["A\IlLiL' .\lurir:l Brat‘, ltr _\'Ui ynrk 1|“, Sir i'im':ii1 ,‘lIl'I'1‘(lI/ll. [hut /mitt Illmrzili/Ii, I/H Imrlirrl tlii .\'ii l'iIirr‘:iI ii: ivi»:i!iiiu/ I‘u , pirimlrul n)’ u,,. I; I. _‘ (3,m,,,.,,J_,.' Aqm,’””'r'i(rii rt) illuiiliinl, um] rix mil , V ,_i « c Imirlnu /Hll/Hlllu n/ 1],,’ /,-"Nil. ll/[(l._V/‘air. ‘‘1//a‘H , U‘. wedding to take place in thi i-Mi mer. Dr. Taylor and his bride it ti’ moon in England. l\lis.< Bray ie My editors of the Book of l{llii\\‘L‘\ was doing special work at Qimm-\ il‘ sity last summer when she ma 1,“ Taylor. ' It has been said that Prineip t I confided to friends a plan to h-an ti Unjversity within the next tun ml. the moment this tall; l”L‘:iLllE‘Ll 1.4. I i_ it was quickly‘ denied. I\‘m that -|,,’ has in any way stopped liinu mil “ talking! The possibility of PI'lI]t‘i1i;il '1 resigning has also started ]7Qtil\l:‘. ing as regards his probable ~'l|KLL‘\.,‘:i Honorable Williziiii F. NlLl\ll’. _ attorney-general for ()t11(l|'tti. (._ prominently mentitinetl as ,_ l_i1\—i‘ pointer; There may not be an .i' truth in these reports, but iliig {M mains that Mr. i\'irl.\\\\\\.\x ;\\\\:e\w\\\V\\\\\\\‘s:.\\\\wA\\\\\\\\\\:\\\\\\\\\x\\:L\:\\\sx tvitliclrattal from the l‘il‘T‘L[tlvtiti i_ immediately prior to the hi‘-‘t (Jim election. Those who kiiott \lr \ intimately doubt that he tiill be i; v‘ with practisinglaw only. after i>IiLt‘ l..' held an important public office l: > be argued that .\Ir. Nickle. academie:ill_v spealciniz. 1> not vii‘ ’ suited to the principalship of a university. On the other h J have the example in the appointment of Sir .‘\rthiir (tr G.C.M.G., K.C.B., LL.D., as principal and \'iee—tiittiiti-“ t\IcGill Li|1iV’CF\ll}. .\i'1i six years, Sir .\rthiii' ti" regime may almost im- the triumph of ('iilt'it"ilt' academies _\lUt'C tlllel i comes to be retilimtl actual direttinii ml UL]! i \lnl\'Ct'&lllC‘w call~ hit’ “ l)U.5iItC\\ lt1‘%llllkl xinil ‘cu. czipacity even iiinrv iii in for the \L‘l1tIlttl', 'l‘ht till“ lVL‘t’\. ml a er-llt-‘ue liitiiiti the hill lliL‘L‘Ll iii Htiit l-’ lllilititttilk. Sl’()l{'l'S and all it‘ ;ieii‘\itit~ uhith “' (ll\kl}‘llllt it‘- tli.ir;tct<'i' l|il\L‘ it \ he.ii'tetl {ill} in 9i" l Currie. hill ll ea»il\ pitlxeil Hill iiiittt the l7ii_ri_ve‘»t \luitti‘t*.il L!‘ [I llttLl\L"\'HI'l'L1|L’l‘y iinitt Ioppiiti; even the «,viiiii' i_'i’itlirviti. llt*i~ l4‘li(‘ (til iinpnrlaiii tiiii\er»ii\ i CI"ItlL'~l\ iintl pziiiitw. l“ itleal eiillrtfe ]VI'lllLli‘.tl l’ l)Cli(,‘\'C\ iii iiiriii Jilllil til‘ \i \ \; ]‘l‘H!1I(i|L‘ \\llil‘*iL" mitt» —— pli_i'~it.il sh Cninliiiii-tl ttitli lttlfililtl" ll1l‘C. Sit‘ i\rlliiii"> iiilrii il proiuiitinii iii ~pni'i~ L‘-«W }L‘.’lI‘\ lwliirt: lir= .i‘~‘~iitll" [1I'it1Li]1.'il\lil]\ [ii \lL(‘illl ‘ fitting eliunix in hi~ “ t!ltl‘~li(‘L'l Iliil1|tit‘_\‘ e.ii‘t'i‘ 1'l‘1tNr:IIl_l) /121:‘;-,,,,[.,._