-1)‘, 1932
i- matter seriously in hand lir.{,,,.,. my eat step forward can he made. With organized feminine opinion culling V l’["—t9‘" thing“. fivieni-e viill wurk rcler and accumplisli miire than it ‘army has, But in the end the real work ii. taking advantage of such ar(-nmplisli- >nts will rest with the Wnmunhorigl m‘
e civilized world. ‘When Chriat healed the sick he Sttltl: ‘o and «in no mnre.“ Modern ricionce, pointing out the ways and l"nf'2|l’IE ierehy woman may overcome the I‘ll5 that beset her physiolnglral do»:- . _ y. says as unmistakably: "Go and sin more. You women, like sheep. have so“ velvet’ Uldene flfitrny and have yearned after fal-<c= WM; m Iv“Ir\_ ilir M Elbi. You said of the work of men: - -1 Urlng, i,_ will miike this my work,’ In :0 doing appearance ‘hm “ill . Ll have neglected your true work and ‘Pm’ ml’, 0” ‘H’ \ll()i\ ii len upon hard places bringing frirth of perspiration. ur young in pain and peril, Tlli‘\‘ nnly GOURAUUS salvation: that you face reality and
ognize your great purpose in life, and CREAM l
White, Flesh and Raclielfi
‘What do you mean?“ His viiive shimlt c. 7h eagerness. A light seemed to be lit . , ldenly in him.
‘Ynu wouldn't have fallen in lnve with —yriur kind of n man—if there \v;L< I Chance of your being happy with )1‘ wife. You're sure to have done irythinrz ynu f’Ol1l(I tr) be happy and tn »ke her happy. If _\/flu r‘iin'l. l)e— " ‘ laitl her hand over l‘ll‘~‘, "\'riu'vr:
‘ ‘i
. I , i T int. your life thinking of <ither<— I\l Drhlnll fur thr=m—trying to make them
D:in’t you think yriu'\'e earner]
hold their Siva)!//I‘ “’lT‘l‘L’{-ill to thinlr nf yuur Ii\\'l‘l happinr-sa
ENSTAYinlovc\viLlillii~l, *' _ _ the most of im i.;:.._ lllr‘ l\filli')\\'.<(ifflI(”‘l\lll<\Hil‘l‘lIll(‘tl Wlili
hmrlex, the pO\\r'(1l‘l"_‘['ill.l'l ii i(l1lWS‘ when they rnrle l):I('l\‘ iii thr- P“ “E1”? Wm‘ ’“~“V l“»*””“ 7 rl|\ They had taikprl illl*ll'V\'.'Iy rliiwn tri “men-hnght and ml ll'fl(‘ Sriniewliern. he'rl got a tliviirrn. lcktenlblonrlecolnr . . .
A - - was going tri he harrl tn izive up lii< ‘Hill , t’\ en part (if the time; harrl in we the 1x_lta out every hit of i lIl!_ lliriiiigli with hi< wife, who wniilrl fir T°°t5- L'~‘<'|V“'=l l““1' "' .er LllHlf‘T‘~t2ll‘|fl, rir try iii: haril to run “index muke ym" l"‘i“"' W inter Iii llllS lmvn. Biitilieir ll'r1]')DlTi[‘,\S
‘ II: t d . - Li 1'i . :gdeP:r§,y,'1:,;l'flH:(ger(_(J3k H jl"Lll(‘l' irriulrl hri xmrth rwerytliiiiiz it t
_"("\V'e r':iii't turn iiur liark: on the liiieut ii: t'lIllI"r of ii< ha: ever kiiriitri." he
9 If You E7l_]'0_y‘Rl'4lrll'rli ,,
CANAADI-’\ \ “1 Hl lll‘. next (lay hr‘ weiit :i‘i\’n,V' I-ii .i \i ii-r-r-k'~ l)lNll"lF‘“‘1 trip, and Lila hail a . inve to gr) in or o\’er_\'llimL’ in her run Your Fr-'«=wl " ‘fl. Day after (l;I_V she thrilight. ;.im..i
-—" \riIl nritliirii: Uliiiiiigetl, — ~'lir~ uworl tr) think ahriiit it l_Vlll[.[ an thi- "'\-314 ll W;Iil*liIl‘lL*,'Ili(‘ lill"(l.\‘ and the l):If li1'l’>. G ,l’» I t)I|(‘ rlny iilie fell in there with a t‘l¢’2|l'- wl, P:|l‘l|E5‘if, rather rliill iintl iiiiimni.:ina- il 1 n _\iiiini.z wtinian and her (‘l\ll(l. There E,\ c, nothing rlraniatir almiit the way she flinrl nut that they were iltlllfl Ilii_viit<in's e and min, (‘OUIF rm to surpri=(- him. i‘ ‘ ‘P ll:|(l grit to like them quite 2| liit. ll(‘ff‘l|‘F
_ _ ‘fllSf'lIV(’I'f’(l it.
[I] <l§[l‘il\F,‘ fiiunrl it out late in the afternnrin A > rlay he reliiriied. Anrl went. rill‘ dnwri ~ shrire to he alone. He f(IIlT‘l(l her there the early twilight when he came iking for her. He put hm hnntl beneath
Your hair color nIl\l ll‘ comb this famous clear‘, V ' through li:. Gray strtxil;-i i * color camel: black, broivrii “ Leaves hair soft, lustrous" waved. Countless women n » ‘O1’ gray streaks in liziir or I‘ fullvlfzcd bottle from clrlliil" nclg guarantee. Or f.r.;'%[ ii I Ten it l7lIElZ~wu Ruxul I""’iii PI Io.'I'i-yiinnginirioiiiciiimiiiw Illlllflrll. JIIltInnllcuu)V""‘ "' \ '‘‘“ T. GOLl,l\l‘ B2llGr.7lIlmun Dll.lK- '~* ' '
thiit, recognizing it. you move forward in nrie body towards the proper performance of that high calling upon which alone depends the future of the race."
I am sorry I cannot and this article upon that note. But I hear the protest of angry women readers: “Are we nntliing hut baby-machines?" "He ought to have a baby or two and see how he likes it!" "I \\’l'lll a man could have ii biaby—it'd he the last l"
0 woman~womanl O hlind, hemu.-and woman!
Baby machines?
Is it iziven to man in all his lordlinxxxa to be a baby-machine and produce a Christ, a Socrnt, :1 Joan of Arc, an Einstein? Are all the automobile Inctorim at work in this world of more value to the human race that one rzinizlo womb that can bring fnrth a psixilm» making Hebrew king or a play-writing hard out of Striitfnrtl?
0 blind, bemused womanl
from page12
her elbow and they went off along the nater's edge until they had ]Jf|R‘l9fI a sliiiiilder of the dime and had mme tn a place where there was nothing but a little anchored (wiring heat and the gulls: and pelieana. They faced each other in the fading light.
"Yiiu liaven't clianzed, have you?" he said at once. “You—you‘re going on’! Ilriviniz her COITIO hasn't made any difference has it?"
She made her eyes meet his resolutely, but her heart shock in her breast. She threw out her hanrln in a wide gesture. "It'si made rill the difl’erenr‘e—i‘lianged everything wooing her v kiiriwinz hriw lTI|l\"l1 ynu are to her. If I take you away, I'll be taking her life There wim't he anytliing left You're all she ha.-4. All she’: ever had. Am] I ran'tl I tliriuglit I (‘fllll(I even when I mime riff (lnwn here. Tlut I r*2in'l."
lle rllil not. npealt, and fur J1 mriirient tlinrr- \v:i.< rin other .-round but the quiet rhyl hm rif tllf‘ iviivs-3 slapping against the little IIl'lr'lIDl'EfI boat.
“I ouizlit to he nlrring enough to rlvi it," she said. “I don't know why I'm nut. I tlimiglit I'd be striirii: enough for any- Ihiniz have the miirage—if I ever loved nnyrine as I as I love you. But I'm not, Nrit everi~ she rlrriprierl her hand and liiiiiicl liis—“n<it even fur yriur sake,"
They were silent airain, their hands clinging.
“Shall ynu ever he rilile lu fnrgive me-"” :ihe said.
He turned then and she =<ri\v his eye‘
"Why, yr>u—g/nil r'<iiililn't Imvc gone (in either!" she erinrl.
“Nn," he sairl, and the light that hiirl linen in him that day on the hill mu: grim- nut. ‘I thnught I rnuld, but I r.in't. l»I'm no more free than you are "
The waves slapped against the little mnrired limit. A pair of shags went
flapping by, going iI(ImP together. ‘‘Maybe,'' Lila ward sarlly, “mzi_vlit~
rinly rruel pr-nple are ever really free " Anil they went. hack to l|l\‘ wife.
]ot'izi\'AL R).
colour and fragrance carry a nulurul
delight lhul is irresisliblc when you fini:lVinoliu Old English Lcivizndr.-rSoup in modern puslel shades, mulching the colour scheme of your bulhronm.
Your guests will like llicie iableri of judeGreen,Seu Blin-,Primroxe,Lnvunder or Rose Pink. Their gay colours carry a glad groeling as welcome as lhe soft refreshing lalher and the lovely perfume of the English Lavender.
See this delighllul new coloured soup and Ollie! Viriolra Iollel leqtllillel at your cliuggisl's.
TODAV, colour is lhe vague. And
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