Vwes tor a long tome firmly convinced that my es .- _ -'


reason. I me three children: I wanted to so nnzcnnutltznmznkte with him, but I oouldflnt myseit to dump my troublesome progeny upon him. may a. time I went into minute details as to what it meant to have three wild, lnsky, noisy children in a. house. I painted too, in black colors. all or my own detects. D!.d'nt make the sughiaest impression on him. All I got was

"I'll take a chance on you, and as for the kids, 1 love them. Havemt any or my own and its ram to have a. ready made tamtly".

Besides his argmnente 1 had to listen to the plea! of my three cum ran, all etoutly for mm and working in his interests. Indeed my little girl

odme beoeusehe


. 0. wanted my children. Also I ma 31-eatly‘

..« "‘

to overhear

e. blaomeiling conversation between my youngest eon, then aged. about eight. and my prospootzj a husband. Said mine: "Giana ten oente or I worm: ask my mother to marry you today!"

Anyway. he won! 1 peeked. 9.11 mg} goods and chattels, including my children,

and going aboard. tram with my new zmbana. 1 left behind. me the name city of New York where I we lived. for futoon odd years. We went directly out to the Northwest. Hy lnebancl had been a

shipping nan. That 1: to say, he wge one of gha owners or a large lighteregéi

firm in New York. He had come from people who had "followed the sea. in tlmir youth and tmshea on the ram", but the fame czayiaast finished on were

on Long Island. He was transplanting hixznelx", with me and my children,

to the "last of the big man", 9. tom applied. to Alberta in Bortlweetem Canada. He was not, ‘however, ‘@1113 out as a. tenderfoot. for he had been "raised" on a term. with a couple or lnnm-ed'tbau.ennd dollars. new youth. magnifleient health, 2. clear brain, considerably above the avenge

and 3 distinct executive ability, which had made mm It euooeu 121%