


Tired On?! You ought to do your washing

owrrn Imllncwivv.-: knmv lhnl mrwl dump- yennunrnle nn.l errrn ~.r« rk ln »LL'lhlll;. nlldlli,‘-1|rJ rrnne lrsrn nn| h.u me ennneh rrrh suds. snrleern rhn le.r nln \ _ mg ensn.

Now mew n rlmv n'>.1| (I1 rn=‘>r»', nhnh r.|:ll:r~l1llnrz.nlll7,-—nlrlY rh dlrm:llcwull<«

um nny mp )ml'\'c r. u. ll! nrnnnne new snap i,-l ne,rlnl,

Urvllnl re aup4‘rt7llr;:rvI lwllh [lure rhh mull) lnr 50”» nnm. v~lllla»llulrl:rr, Ion:U» hlsllng rlnle lhnl do qulckvr and Lcurr wurk |1m|| nny nllyrs.


In yrllr elm. or new walk.

n when sn l.ny snap


rernemher, nu mrlly sud: you an‘ llllylrx/; um. ml. Clxvllnl slllln nrm q'llIl\'|l1 llm

yenrneln "How em I grztllng far my mr)nL"y"’" Eur.

{nb—-lllrv -lam] nn, krvp marl. .n. nnnl lh.-, nsl pwrllrln Of lllrl vl renlell, \Vzak,nIll lyllc Illda full hack. elnlr luv.-N null Illvctnl nlnne lhe dlrl ls fall llllrk nIn(l,nnl1 yllu um Icfi wnnlulng ln duly enrlennler

Sou/M elnun.-. .n.n.-_y Irhlln

Ox -.l..l n'»'r1 yllur alrnlplll Lrrflllnz lln lrw-,

r.el’., reel nrnlrrny rnrle :0-1/: clrll/lu nlmty

nlrhn em. nu l-lrbllrulg nlhlnne. E'.rr,'Illlm: ,-rn. vrnuh er Urvlllll rnlncfi

nu! whllrr, lJ:ml|llr, .um:LIt, .n.ell...g null hr IL-A hmr

Snfu-ml Imnl train 11.. nnnnle -,nn llul vllrly rlurllu Ur mrnmy

50% DIIHIE SUBS —-live, lmlnnl Illlll lllnx oulwnnh nnll mulu-I nll aIllrrI—l|m|‘n why Oxynlul em. Wunlldxly vrllrk, nlnkrn -llnlnvnallhlg cnnlcrl


L r 1


WI"! Oxydol

dlrhru inln wnlrr you llnnlrn ||vIl wnler Utvllrll lrlrllms all nnlcr :—nl'(,

In clrn lllr k[l]’l]HlY!l!"i| hurl} wall r ll giws mun‘ Hill. Inc :VH.L5.

Irundtlrflllfnr rllsllu‘

rl.rn.lnl r]lm11 rh.-ln. n.nl ghI.=’»wlIrl nrnllesel; -—~.-lnll lrelnnrne Iul \'nrl slrnph (lap and nlltt-—1m| lhn zlrr llunr~—glzll'lmlng lnlgln, 'n.r lll7wl|1llllll\»'l[llnl: lfyullpvufrr, lhr Urjdal hnyee nu clinging rrhn.

Ifuuilvr rm ynnr lnrmh.

'Ir-,' 0 Jul rmw lllllI wlfll llxv il F1|Vy'II'y1 It Illurl ' .-u mu‘ llrul =lnu:rlh llllal

yr... ll lmm: nu ll.» parfrll >n:l|r[m'I".l n yllur must d:lln|j, llrlllrllr llnrnr—

r: ynur strrnxglll hy lrehlen.


ln. mh, nnlrmllg Muh

Lvl ()whr| xiv lne [hr hnnlr |yl|lHn|lllll:rk1 ullz rlrnln .~, nn.l eh.h.~ e..n .ln en nlurh lnr ,nn

Ask -,-nnr prrlrrr l.,. urnngrzllltl Mn», .

mu n.n'n".l: Hr .. .l.. M (n l lvnr


Ir-1 -Hl rn.l..n l.nl e

lul ml. hn .y,,

[up I L

I! ) H bmughl n .n.‘l ,l.7 .,e.n,..lll...ern.....l,




. d in mm lzsel leelmz E1n"°]’*rfi‘;"f:’f3",“ef,d7 wlld hesucy we hnlehed. A light At last thesh as mnowm mmhe dnpllmfl °‘ “" l c muluuely r mother smle re - “"‘"J“d, he d twlst her , ,yy llme how an "M R N H er she clenched her awn h-“'15 ‘P5’; jnerhy. Her mnther wns finsE':s‘" sh’: knew that terrible ncrvn , 5°’;-Slfifher henrt nlmust st0r'P‘3d befit- . fie, muther was going to em mgl he the leehle helzinmnll she nlfiztnher-eya. The nudlcnca stlrl-ed rut- fesrl The song hralre. Bllul<'lle’5 eyes ,m,",;,,E,, she. gripped the arms of are seat Hernrelher picked up the mekrdy and continued wa\'cl-lrII.'LV-

Eh1nrhe's rnnuth grew dry‘ Tm‘ stung lllzr cym. ller nmlher was rlmnz Hlls rnlher rhnn let rhe songs at Bo- hennn he un5llng——Bomuse there was ne one else to Slug rhem. Eocmlse she had reused to sing them Her mllther was going chrnneh this terrible nrllml . ..

Blrll-ldle‘s throat nclled. she clutched Ilgr prnyrnrnrne Eer mo|llz-r nsne the -lame )3]-lnl.-=5 zllznln And lllznln y . , filanclln held her hrenrh Her mother had forgotten the wrlrd5—but.w|le kept on .nnn‘ny., y _

"Pretty nwflll , _ , " Iiefure Curm T'emblnrtnn finishvd Blanche wee on her (nee, [1rL‘1l7 hlm She never rem:-mhcmd how she nnl thnre, but the next mlnute she nee elnnrlrng brrsldn ho mother.


Bnlzht and vlvul mltlul-.~l stlmulnle me end rnnhe me reel guy llml energetic.

"Smnrl, dlsllncllvo spurt clothes lee-I nllsnlutcly rlzht nn rne Tllvrnlurla 1 wellr lhern nlmrrst l=xrIllexl\'r-ly lnr dny tlmr-. HUN‘ I nm mlld ahnut. Tn me, they urn: l||1lLfl the most impnrlsnl purl ur lm eneumhle Thr-y rnnlre me feel mlucy, ehnery, son And feminine. er rrrshly willy llnll nophlelluuu-clr urcnrdlng tn their rnmlrl

"I finrl lf yl-ll wear L\ vivld, «triking nnn-n Wlwn rrllunlllng n huge, lnnnnl nffmr WU wlll rll-ln-r lm nmulllurvrl lly lwuplv Sulh n gllwn Wlll lnllbln yllu w relrhn yuur ..n»n lrllllvlclullllty llnll Incl nbrrve the muss uf |I\|IT\flh:I

"Al .uml\Hf‘\‘ rlnrlu,-.-r I llkn tn Winn’ lllllvk nr whllv, _ nf r1l<llnrtllln Thou yull llllv nl lmlnlz in vxtr:-lne grmzl (luau- .-nnenh~unu=ly hh-rnrng. R " Pu ""‘r:II1rL=:ll.-4 n Hvlllg, vllnl llling.

"I-W3 - Tlurrlllnzlllly whh-h musol. bu ‘“"|l1|lInr-n , hy ynur llwn ur ylru Wm *"1‘lW|W'1mlv|y fvrl h huh.-lo of mmlnnt [nrrlllg Fllluh hnvu my lllllr l l:.‘|rPl] fur [


, lull Iv y] _ llmk nl_v lfiCIl‘” ""'“

"" " "W N" ”'”’l<v'L rmnnlr “and v \llmrlI'I- l 1/ml: nrnl’h-rl rlvllt N- n.l*-. nll *

, Ilmn wlcl Vu |<lHlll Inf:-rll-rlly mlln[l|,l_‘ ,

lnreel myl;(l\{ y,l,..., 1 H.“

K my fllllnxl l rulllll

I |HIl}(!=1l ,-.,,hgl- IVI‘ ‘ll mnllnln. WM, hurry, rrhm lllhr rlrm, llnnlll l.lll< wllh vlulnn Wm . .“,, wnnlrnly ls‘hr-

n -Innnlln pur

_ nnee lmd ..l ll. nr,., ,,,,,

l Lhrvlulzll

ll .\i0l\l'

mm M mmhem in-.1l.l|lr-r,..Y°u.” lrhulnyrnrrl. Um Ir.uJlyl"

5’/'/embe, 19 r J}

A some or BOHEMIA

Cnnllnued from PIE? 28

she tack up the r - vnice quiverad slighiggmtnhegt nnd clenr, Sweat and true‘ " like nlmve the pilmo mm B lmd suddenly a vmlm "“’“ ohligntn, U Bewilderlzd Elnnches hrslcnrerl, than presenrly11l:§§fy’rl.lluel jelned in, And so with selmk vlulln ernging fun they rlnh "W. number. Applnuxe Ewlzpt mm; ‘b! theatre. "Eh "ll Blnnche smiled At her

took her hand. They hnm"'1‘“"

other. As they wnlkcd ell Q”

each hand-clapping conhnued, In lhtemm nlnnehs clung to her 111 ch . “"12:

n are l.

Through n blur she e- - viulm ln hand, came towards n, The applause rnerenee(l_ Eistl:-nt.

"It's you they want," whispered to him.

"No. It is you two." her malhu declared, almost {‘lerl3eIy."I lml n proud " Her Eyes ehnne.

Blsnehs lsnlrerl rrrnn am to he nhn then lerl the Wny back tu theshlge sh watched snhulrerelrn, He nuddcd nlld drew his bow.

Te the llushl.-(1 audience he seemed n he wooing hrs violin. hut hrs Lhlrk eye no longer sleepy were an the gill nnnny at his xidc.Hu whlspered tenderly, "Blnjzmn. . . Hnpplnen . . . ll




Conlinued Horn page 15

she lnughed at him nnd anid—"\fl|l think now"

He cold her her eyes wore e-nhrely ll-o ernnll tn give her 1: cllnnce. r . N»lnna"l* mfldilllely Mplznt. three mnnlhs nr cor»- ennlrnlerl experimnlll; unlrl ehn ftlulldhfi mnkn-up that cnrnplelely dlsxubvd phlllugrnphic defeat. W

She never let n cllnllenlze H“ l1n.IwL-rm] nnrl unnnlvezll Hm

she rlhlrne thuro Wm: un rh-nnn W responsive» ulrlll rrhrn lhe hrsl WNW she met Thlllbcrg. Iluwuvnrl nH"W lmcnmu n Ntul’ in her own rlyuh.‘ W hlugllt nyer her pmuree. her 2“'¥m“"[flK curl-or fur mu yr-nnr hehrro hnd Hm uuuruge tn {Mk her um. "I and

Om‘ yunr lulr-r Hwy WW" "‘l"[‘p",M,.,.. lmd HIM!’ alrrrmurt. ullrulrs!t‘W“ mtmn ln Eurupu . nn.»

"The climllx nl my 1”" *";"L,'r"‘m‘ pletinn nl nly I-lull! Lnuk rvllldm ,,,, hnppy, lrlyllle int:-rhldv pr-11,” _,,‘;- l|Il'(Iu1(|IHlI‘h|Hih1JrmY sum ml 'n Nnrmn tln ny. lole

%"I‘|li-4 Purim! of my W" “,“”‘,',Tn"l.en rIIlnI0:llIl'i|y hr l<uch_ Dlllrullllfll uml my cup nf hllplzlm,-.u fill‘-ISM will uvr-r ll act-ms I lnrve I11.-(*l1':‘w I ,.nnle lnrnnh grr-Jltuelt e-xp.-rlenr-cs *{ “ml ll:-(L-P up my rnlnrl wllllt. 1 wn_r",” llne nnuld ruinml ln gut IL 1 In-Ill-Vlf‘ work the nfllnli (nr :lny“’"" bu ,n(i“fied

"Nu nllrmnl wnnllm rnn W n'nm"" nrllnnll lnw. ""’“p' {}|Terln.n. " nmy Llllk nlmut lh_v4r "l W”, ln 0'; lllllllty in Inllkr lhmr «lVj'‘W,,,.e “" wnrld Hlvir utlvr ']’”L any "'§ rnllllirlnlll |ll(l1'nl~lll1unl"‘ ‘Mellon: L‘ r.nlly.n..nhly rnlhlnu. 1" llrey “""‘,, hnnrln nnrel, wenrnn kr|"‘: lull] !n|'“Jl rnllwr hnvn n renl humn“d,,.rleP"" r.|l>z4 urnn nll lhn rreedvlm enne ln Um wurlrl.’ W eels ch” {N , 1,: ll-7"',;.r K mg 011

orchm SI{F.‘A“-ER ' 0! home nnrtlnulnrlxdf n hr-r new Frnnrh Pmvinc
