T cattle ?.1::.ve flattened 22:30:‘: the 235,011 ranggc Inéim lrsnrls. lilrxton zieclares ’z:h=-M: all *aI:5.::F.me21) hm: seam: to the Inéiizz-1 Caczparit. zgzent at ‘-.‘I:zs111z1g‘co11, :4 :ce3;o2;~*i; §eec::;r:2en5.ing 'E:1mi: all ;‘i‘.:«:m;-:~:;'i';.-:2: c:2t‘a1e be zrxeveci :«'.'rc:z;1 “the :;:m“+. the 311:2‘ given. "their share. T213 0.3. of ‘the Izizliuxa <1ep:..1r1;:1an1: is ';r.:*.ctic:1=ll{y“ £3.-S3111‘ OD‘. . Rifiing; in‘: mi tit: 22 131111911 of .::‘r2c1;s.'t: ‘me or tlzree hzzzliréd }w::c1,, the mix: here. 11 as {gene :‘L’o:«:v::1:cé‘., we see 2, cousple :;roun._c;s-‘bears. '1; girl of seventeen or £31;/;h1:cen., 2 320:; J red hairefi. :32:-oc1:J.e faced in ovom.”Ls 0:"; ahovdz: mvelve. 3319:; are 330113‘ and I-.3az1a_;,r Zciczuper‘. Tizoy 22163.9 3.1.226 muzag Llevils , 1:*ar1ehi21g and hez°€L‘in,g the came. s::=..na;; 1-iiies '5,-"H211 1105. then: szzdalle nor briclle. Polly sits her cot: pony with eaag; rgmco. Both cm’? 1;h<>r.1 ~;.rz«.1a.~11ng; their 1£z~i:a,ts sizagingg. The e,»3‘r:o&i— man’; 0:‘ c.*32*ef;:'ee h:3.p‘o;,‘ growth. W The sheezamszn *-srith fiyeléi glasses inaic-‘Haas i:I1e:n:_ "?.'»’ho' S the cc>wg;i1'l?" .?.Iinton's facc L:.n:ie1‘§'oes ramzzrlcable cimnge of e::p::ossioz1. It becomes covetous s:m