‘> 55 the hat (lukefierm) is pourcé over the body of fihe oretch. Too feather pillows are then emptiea upon him and etiqéiio the tar. A rail is brought, the man is set ,uhon ifi, one with unearthly yells and shouts, the miserable wretch is borne off one dumped into the mud of a slew hereby. There, lefier, the lififile Inéian girl finds him, one with loving hhnfis leads him he her home in camp: The following day; Dayton sets one in his car upon 3 guest (the recovery of hinette'e children) which he believes as saercfl as any ever cntruetea to a man. Minetfie is ah fihe gate to see him off, ana as he bias her gooahye, he fancies he sees in fihe girl's face for more fihan more grefiifiu e. one of the curiosifiies of the Alberta elimefie is the blizzera that seems fi:>€gme every Scyficmbor just after the harvesting. Sometimes it is lighfi, just a flurry, but. ,N~» _ very often ii; is h1inc'ii;f1g; eevr;re. Itav more than a day or two, when a season of beoufiiful weather fo loos that lasts clear till Xmas The babies have found o-never failing source of fun playing among the etooke and hay stocks. They fioaale off from one fielfl to another. Out of a sunny sky, suadenly, like a black hand a cloud darts over the horizon. 5 moment lefier flakes begin to fly. The children chose fine flakes, thinking them butfierflies. Farther anfi farther they go, one thicker and thicker eomes‘the snow. How the wine turns to eevag dimensions, aha 3 miniature hurricane arused. Soon a whirling blizzoré is swee: sweeping across the lama. By its sheer force it blows the babies along the lfield, and laughi 5 as if it more 3 game,. fihe two i