to amuse the gadsl Another, 8. freokled. faced, infirm tow headed Yark,
who had drifted out to Alberta from heaven knows when , alwqys brought forth from some obscure placenin his luggage a. Urns pair of white spate, which
he put on regularly every Sunday. iihm: With these, a. clean shirt and
his Sunday pants and coat, Lem made a great hit with our neighbor's youngest
gi 1'1 n so the” crop went
, ..... .....
the -lnyine rerio£1.._.‘_Ii. used.
.4and_nli>A1is.d_al,l ‘ki_1,1x_1_S,, _o;E. fun climbing’ up on
the hay Vwag)ns"“a’.z§dWhe‘lping to tramp it down. To me the growing grain haunt was like a. miracle? It shot up from the bare earth and leaped along overnight. Soon it was a ;t‘orest:@::kin:m1d;
39;" 2’: tall as a man, acces upon acres of mellow, drowsily stirring, murmuring /[,4 "‘ ' 3 /J, - V “ ’ ‘ » " ‘ - ‘
V ; 4In'the",evening we through the grain fields, and its
was yew so‘“‘hig!rti1at many a time I found no difficulty in hiding in it and
daring my husband to find me. 3omoi'3tneI~;~*w1isn the ‘new: to ‘lengthéfi £;, yr’
._. A ; ir1~to~-=t!1'§"i‘1'i“g‘Ti‘E;;‘;l.i;.n Alberta in certain months, it is daylight till nearly eleven at night, and a, great moon hangs above the waving grain, like an immense
artitifoal ‘saloon, orange colored, as if its interior was all fire? and Qffl
Nevertheless the stillness of evening-—-— : I‘ {Z I" 1.‘ 6' ' M
LZ; sly as clear blue as a summer sea.
the quiet, brooding mesh of the ended day ———..a.naxxx God's/I cathedral
hus.‘hed”'i‘!i‘to Game the harvestlxliirilwléh.‘-ifilm‘ Under the sun 9. dozen men following two binders goingdown the field with their wings v.'h.1.rli11g around. The stookers bending and rising, amemmmnm 2
very single detail part of a vast canvas ....;..a masterpiece that no lumen hand might a I ‘-'~"*"“
ever 7 “ '( (' V‘ --~\....s ‘ That was the harvest as I Saw it my first year. But it meant incessant labor L--both on the land and in the house. At that time I lad not acquired the "grain sense". what is to say, later I was to feel that sense that all other things must pass — put away until first the grain was
h31‘V<33tG<3-. It vas a. living, moving tging, whose life must be saved. before the