How to win the


you engage in every day!

YES giance V0“.-w3v—and you are in another of lifc’s Beauty Con-

tcstsl Tod‘.1v_get' a dozen cakes of Crilay. Use only this gentle,

Mr; beautvsoap gmdivour skin will be so fresh, so soft and flower—like, {fiat an eye's W,“ find you charming! A lovely skin is 50 alluring!

Frzrh, glowing cImnIiness—i't it ill: firs! step toward natural Iaoeliiierrl But never 1:! any snap but tlie delicate beauty nap, Caluy, land: your skin.

~m Here it i'.i— Clay, I/IE Snap of Iimutlful Woman. I! is thiefim-sl bmuly saapynu can buy. . . lur- uriaiii, gentle, sub: for your przcinux iii"!


This girl is in a Beauty Cvnr::r—]us! as you are, wherever you go. And ifyour JHI Iuu [ht Iavely, soft, rlzizn look that nllrnrls nilizn, you will iriiil Today and always]

THE beauty of your skin depends on the soap you use.

Calay—the Soap of Beautiful Women—is a pure, creamy- uhite soap, free from coloring matter, free from the “chalkiness”

that dries out the skin. Calay is so delicate, so safe, that 73 leading skin doctors praise it! A brief minute with Calay's luxuriouslatherandwarmwater—thenacold rinse—aiid your skin is radiiintly clean, smooth as satin. Today, get a dozen cakes of Calm)‘, take care of your skin with it, and you will find yourself winning so many of life's little Beauty Contests—and bigones, tool



soap WOMEN



_ ful cliolfedlln n:|ydten.“S‘}']l£I! ogcdhfifigfixzlut lot.’ .. 5 es “tied her hair and shrugged }t1ll:‘§.mu5];n,£j shoulders. I thought to

e _ . . myself that Billnowed Millicent Tunnel‘ something as we - 1 saw her home, and cn$:;way more shocked than I care to co -

1-in I found ii letter on EAnrl-ilgiifiliilltilaxzitsllilomrf. It was from Mary. brou ht me I1DP1'9'3l"1bly nearer to and E . rd me up to the grave. It asked me 1 0% meet town next week and hep Fr buck Bin... He was, it seemed,‘ coming bed in can-ipnny with Sir Julius, an t Id been rather sick: M531!’ h""_d been ,2 .5’ "Something Wrong ‘“”th 1115 eyes— 5. not been able to write, _P°°T b°_Yv *3? Julius has been _d0mE 1'5 5°’ hm" d ended by appealing 150 m9 t0 be 3°‘) scout an come.

I went. It occurred to me that I might come in handy somehow or other. knowing them both. But my kneffi quaked under me at the thought of B1 seeing Mary—for the firsttime. .

On the way up in the train I saw in the paper that Lady Tanner and her husband were back in town. find W0Dd.9l"3d _1dlY whether I should see them too. I little knew. .

Mary met me at Paddington, and she was more appalling to look at than ever. She was all worked up, of course. over things, and simply wild with excitement. Bill was due in next evening at Churing Cross—he and Sir Julius had been to Paris, apparently, on some mysterious business or other. "They wouldn't tell me what it was," pouted Mary, “I do think they might have gone . . . after- wards."

She showed me, in her childish flurry, some of Bill's letters, dictated to Sir Julius. He was full of coming back to her, and full too of half-joking references to his eyes. I remember it struck me then that all might not be quite as well as Mary made it out to be. She was just like a. schoolgirl—i;it thirty-seven, and looking . . . but the English language won't do justice to what she looked like. I simply sbuddered.

However, I picked her up next evening and we drove down to the station a clear twenty minutes before the boat train was due. I went out on the platform; and the first person I saw there was Millicent Tanner, as strident and uncon- ventional as ever.

“Hullo, Max!” she said. “What are you doin‘ here‘! I'm down to meet Julius and Bill Trnill." Then, seeing Mary behind me: “Introduce me, won't yo?" she said.

I don't wonder. I don't wonder. It wusn’t the same Mary Ciimpion at all. But all the same it hit Mary like a blow from a stick.

"I'm . . . I'm Mary Campion, Tanner," she sziid unstcadily. you remember?”

Lady Tanner gulped-—it'g a wig,“- yvay of putting it. I know, but that's Just what she did. Then she put up ii terrific pair of tortoiswhell eycgliisses, and I could certify I heard her swam- under her breath. Then she looked up at the clock, which still showed ten minutes to train time. And then shesaid to me: “Clear out of this, Maxl" I cleared out.

I don't in the least know what ghe Enid to Mary in that ten minutes, or what Mary said to her, but it was pretty still dealings by the look of things. 1 mum-

Lady “Don't

ill ,

fancy she was wildly ix-ym, to go home and say she W,,,‘,‘, thing, and see Bill tOmDl'ri,:.

I think, was saying 1,, h“‘hr that she'd see her and (VV ' further first. At any rule was interrupted by tho “I ' and hurrying of feet, and ll“ 1 train slid in between i1',,i, Lady Tanner glanced ;_.m,,.,, l me—the only time 31,0 1,, ' wager; and I could have en", crying.

And then Isaw Sir Julius»

the platform with his liand 0' ii arm, and glimpsed his I '

P. v. saw Mary. His jaw ili-l(.I,),l,‘,, foot, and he started to 5..

Then he stopped as he s;_i\._, on Bill.

Bill Traill was blind

hopeless. The cut over llltill .

war had done its work run:

He had been to 1! great l‘r»- in Paris, who'd simply slirii,.. now he was home.

And Mary was in llls .ll‘l7\. and crying by turns. 1 . second she'd hesitated Us Li tion of Bill's case hit her; caught him to her and \\ ; rnddled, disreputable, .Sl‘l]l'. his overcoat.

"It's all right, Bill,” shy. n “It's all right. I'm hen‘, 0 ll l I'm here. But why diiln‘i 3.» Why didn't you tell I]1C‘l)L‘lnl‘l

And Bill, his siglitless eyi». in took his woman to him, wlnli - us looked away. Sir JLlllU~ 3 ' shrieking bandanna zinrl lm-- with unnecessary vigour. ll.» crying quite unasliamodly. 1 l so very far from it myself,

As we moved out to the «v Bill say to Mary: "But i-.h..‘ funny scent you've on you, ‘H taken to make-up, have you

Mary caught my eye, and * Tanner's in aswell. She grin» and shook her head, as llllll lv "I'll kill you if you l!l'C'£\lllI' .. '-

HAT night il.was niiiv u'i

we all sat down to (lllllil Tanner's. Bill's man llZl(l lm ll they were both staying in Ifw Mary, it seemed, ll2l(l to 13! something she'd fnrguiiv-i. away for two liours, and v. quakes she enr-iinipiissml ll time I don't know; but liim. opened and she ainrurl linfuiw v.

She was in some siiiiplu :ill. and line to it— hrmvii, it. \\:I bcr. Her hair was lvrii\\‘n iii’ nearly do. Her skin wan l\l.ll. brown and wlinlosonii-: All” there under the suit ll)Illl, M“ the world like slir-‘il (low '.\l - eighteen. And lll'l‘ oyi». 11.4: had to do for the two U.’ 1‘ Mriry’s eyes, liruwn illlll l " trustful. ,

She went over and siuml lb} lj “I-Iere I am, Bill," film siiiu. “- in her voice.

Sir Julius jumped up. “~‘l‘ ‘. snapped in that sergoiinbnl-U"_‘ his, ‘‘I want my Llllllli‘l‘.' LL“"“_

And we went (.l(lWn§[1llrfiy 1"-“‘ with her brother, lvliiry “‘”“ I, under her nrin, so to f=P““l" '

bringing up the rear. I t‘Ul’l"|"‘ IlV0 of the happiest I'0"l’l‘ that night.

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