2. The twins playing in the field see a coyote, hovering near chicken house. They call to it, thinking it is a dog. They run affior it. Maurice falls, pulling Patrice aown wifih him. Now a coyote runs if you pursue him. If you fall he will stop uni nose arouua to take advantage if you are hurt. The coyote steels back toward the chilaron. The mother spirit places a stone in Heurice's hand The little boy comes to his sturdy feet and tar we stone oi aha wolf. A coyote always rune when a stone thrown at it, ana now it slinks away. 5. Dayton at loci comes to“Esit his nephew anfl niece. He is secretly ploaseé with the results, fihough pretends to harsh; 1y criticise fihem. Dick is iough and well. Biraie rosy and plump The twins—~~-—fihcy are out “somewhere” says Birdie. She shows anxiety, and tells her uncle of the perils the children have been in . All go #0 look for the babies. They discover the babies have crawled under a barbed Wire fence ené are in the bull posture. a great ugly bull is chorgeing across the field. Doyfion is on.ia¢ horse in an instanfi, cad with e leriofi across the neck of another bull in the corral, he takes it over fo the pasture. Opens the gzfinsxifxmm more gate, he leis in fiho new ball, loosening the lasso foam his neck. lhe old bull, seeing his natural foe, is distrocteé from fihe chilflren onfl roars alarmingly? Instantly \/‘1 ct! _. E the two rush upon eahh ofihor, lock horns, ani a3iigh' fiflméhg Wgggo ensues. Dayfion rescues the bobies,'ond curries fihcm on his sodale hack to the house. This ccenc can he done if proferreé with the mac stallions instead, but in the latter case a fight hetwean stallions never once except with practically the death of the one. Bulls