17 in his arms, and carries them off to be&. He sits awhile by the children, anfl clumsily unflressce then, uorricfl by the carelessness of thcir”mother” who leaves him as econ as she shows him the room. It so hayyens that Lily Belle has beguu to blackmail her mistress. Birflie, who is almast broke gives her what she his, but the colored girl says it is not nough, ana Biraie yromiece her more later. Meanwhile, left alone, Dickie has consumea all cf the firink he can find on the eiée beard, cue the Men from Canada coming out, fiiccovers him swallowing it down by the wholesale, anc in a slight titsy coniiticn. His uncle, as Birdie is about to come in shoves Dick out into the hall, to hide his condition from his wiie. flick, glee to escape seized his hat and departs. Alene with Birdie, the men from Canada ta kc about the children's future. She is mild to be ria of him, but he futuously continues to talk about hiex "his beautiful kids". He aces not think they at all receumle their photograyh. Takes it out and looks at photo. He begins to puzzle over the fact that Birdie kxixuxitten Dickie hafi announced each time the birth of a boy. Patrice~— Q-— Biraie laughs hysterically, and says thatxvas u fib. whey just want & écar uncle to think they hua boys. "Uncle" assures her solemly that he prefers girls and there was no need for the aeception. However, it is a small matter. He begins to brag about the cleverness of the chilarcn. He has never seen a child of Eetrice'e age --~-she is supposea to be not quite cue, running about and talking as she does. To change the subject, as she is