_:Edmund Hnrrlnttton

/\l)m'c: Misc Mnrlhzx L. \Vhitc. (left) and Mixes Hilvla R. \\'hitc, tlclmtnntc tlnuyzhtcrs of Mr. nncl Mrs. Arthur F. \Vhilc, of Haw- thnrn Gnnlenu, Turonta, whu h.1\'c rcmrncul fmm school in Pnri-x and Lnllaalxlle, nml will make their dclvut this season. V\’hilc in Lnmlnn thcy had the honor nf lucinp: presented at the (‘uurt nf St. James

Miss I-Ilcannr Fhmnpsnu. dehu- tnntc Ilmlghlcr nf Mr. and Mrs. Fred \V. Tllnmpunn, of Spnrlilln Road. Tnruntn, in whnsc honor her nmthcr is cnlortnining at ten on Octnlvcr 24. Miss 'l‘||nmp- -mu recently cnmpletcul her studies nt llzwergznl C1-llepu

A-hlrr nml Crlxupru