June 15’1S2S .

1 ‘Wealth

mi that the wt-nithhr the pm, __ this Industry is unlimited. Tire reillll "' 5., clay! is rendered especially ,,,n‘kH= phlcal features of ‘the country, ,,"' ya in deep coulee sides making “W " cl some of the largest and most \rn]umi'r ire in the southern part of the provmr E t pgwef plant, say _the experts, “.m"' hriquctting plant in Connection M,“ will there ‘be an abundant au pi, ' «er for a wide area of the provinie |,, industry can also he built up ,,, ,,“ ,,,cess gns from the carbonizing ,,,,, "‘ ‘fuel Ior the clny-wurkirii; industry "L hood hr the lignitc mines tlicru H H ‘e of tire clay in Canada and rrnnm r higher grade thhn the usual g1,,‘,., h are so widmprend in chnutin zirili only of making Colllmim 1,,i.;],§ art of the federal gculugisls uri ., van shows what in source of ,mi..,,,,,“. lcrcloped: '‘~ .in Saskutcliewaii llrf‘ suitnlilc for r, . ncwarc, llucliini:|inm\\are and Willi“ inns: report mas “SUIIIE cl ihhi appear to he hall L‘lr’\ .nnu -, j’, -nranufactiirc of tnliluwaro like sen,’-' the only district in which un,.i,,,,‘,I y has been lounil in Canada rr..mU',‘ iys can he used alone fur the mnhnf such as ii-apurs, howls, crocks‘ ' ry or various kinds.


lous .\llncrol Suits

if:-euro Zorlmlous depnsitspr mini . may ncrre M 21: es of clierriicolsn'iiiz- B1 in the spring and on.

g cliemicais when the sloughs (in n,, 13:?-.‘.‘,’i..“.°‘,.“.§” “'9' l’9quire roriurlu.-.

‘u“v'el‘r:’l;‘ l,l;‘“ltl":l the Province Coal me the indmaorthern areas bu’ Wm hemp Hedrngh or Northern : Northern he W" 9h°’"’."°“”’ ”mmo_!_mwer d9"3’~] It is estimated .5 would give EVE DDn1_ent of tlirsc over a million horse-

‘on all r r . Scolered 1" Quartz veins on

mrkatchewan lll Proportions, Deposits ‘sated. the presence ol do amounts are uncer-

in the extreme norrh

North—Eastcrn s ° be Paying rave been lo 1 although i 9 been mine

{for ' . d llflfgeliflt gone on In many runny. Puquia H3131 proved but the Dll we pm ti, in North-Eastern ilitie.-rm "'3 ‘“'?’E‘*i"I¥ PD '" mm of :i?i:bonl_y in the distilla- ol ammon’ at in the production in-udunt toninm wlplme 88- a by’

he rm 2 used as fertilizer.

knchewuefitf-:1 of Northern Sas- mly thr nVc_ ouflered sev- fim S Dkuzh disastrous forest en.E'm38t atchewao and Swed- ,mein°: -Irena arelabout thi- MH candiétfcnt and climatic and "MEN ‘owns of Sweden’: com- smmtcherist area and that of y in Ht"Vfll'I_ are very similar. Mae und ensive forestry enter- me jinn“? Eovernment control. rarest “'3 value of Sweden's ;o um; “'19-! has bcen made hum? Anne hundred million my n;Mm°.“tPYdInz to the for- i am“ 1] H res who have made s., 5! §“Wev of our omhsr his p‘mvi'::l.! no real reuon why B E, e should not do the ,,;:',|eew3;°‘f interested in Sos- leg? Her? mineral possibil- Emma chllnll fiellil, chemical . Hung vnandsnndnr Write me of th Ir-1,Inu-,Ministsr ,,,,m . EB‘!-Pena o!Lnl1or nee or to T. M. Mol-

lather, coming to Canada,



The Call of Saskatchewan

to so many races, who come here from the four corners oi the earth’!

wheat is not the whole answcr hy any means although Saskatchewan la the great wheat province of Canada, the loaf of bread in the Empire's market hnsknt. the wheat iiuccn ol the world.

The in-‘item of the proiinv.-u attempted recently to solve the prolilcm In a brochure on “siuhntuhnwnn; ller lnllnile Variety," The loarliniz article in this Iruuklet declared that it \va:i "'l‘hc immensity ol Siudtuichnivan which fires the imagination. To hold it quarter of a million square miles in uni-as timughit ill nm-v.- can't he rlnne Sn lnr all practical llurporics the province him no bare to ‘circuiuscrilic its dwelling-place,‘ Saskat- chewun, tlruugli liut one provinvc oi the Dominion; is larger than all the province: together of any I-Iiirupcaii country except Russia. SlL‘|l(l.\l.CllCWilll thrills by its generous climen unis.

“Sask:|ti'hcwnn IE in the morning [ii iii: day and in the spring-time of its ill£KLlll'_V. What wonder if tlmsc who hm shaping its do-itiniew at the tillnit‘ |l|l"lL‘ no they shape their own. grow iriliituiitcrl Will] the land, however severe the lIl1l'(lHl\l[):4 lhoy en- counter "

For illustration, suppose we pccp into "the ranclier'i1" shock in the Bad Hills, , u:Iknt('h~ ewun. on :1 cold winter's night in 1906. The province is less than six months old Four men who have come to cut poplar poles for wood ure putting up for the night at “the runclier'ii." They are seated around the rcd~hot stove, nll lour "bearded like the pard," wearing sheepskin packets, and engaged in alternately cursing the country and in making the most extravagant forecasts about its future. The nearist town is over a hundred mile away. There is a song by I homestcadcr poet about what will happen “When the Railroad Comes."

Harry, the Englishman, had been growling about living in "at country where there was so much land, there was no room lor anything else. Might as well be liv' g in the comic ol the blooming Sahara desertl"

"Then why did you come here?" queried the rancher. "We managed very well before you wine, you and the rest ol the crazy bunch of liomestendcrs, spoiling my pasture with your silly little bits of plowing."

Harry laughed.

“It seems too absurd for words," he said, “but I came out here because my wile got tired of having so many oi our relatives perpetually fussing around, we never seemed to have any time to ourselves. And now we haven’! a human being within six miles of us except Scutty, and he is only half human, lor he eats oatmeal porridge several times a day and gets {at on it Why did you come, Scottyl Ont crop a failure in Scotland?"

"Scotty" was Harry’: chain and partner. He had come to Saskatchewan to have a farm of his own. All his llle he had worked on other people’: farms. had risen to be foreman but could see no hope ol ever owning a piece 0! land he could call his own except in Canada. or Australia, and it cost las to come to Canada and there was more good wheat in Saskatchewan.

Bill was from Ireland. According to his story, and be aware it was true when the rest violently doubted that be had come to Saskat- chewan becouse his lather, I North of Ireland banker,

WIIEREIN lies the appeal oi this Empire Province

would work for lilmsell nnnrnece of “W! ',*,°b°“Y ‘““’ ever owned or worlrerl Mince Gutl made it. 1 I Fred was from Oritario. He was one of a laml y o

six boys and three girls; twobrothere were on tho ulil lurm and the rest l1uLl town ltibs

llc wanted to farm

Rcmairu oi ubnndnmd ind Jlmrli showing poplar pclr frame and mjim suppo led on rcrrlrr poll.

and the West gave him a chance to “spread himself," and he was going to buy another quarter juct as soon as he could raise some money on his homated.

They talked about the towns and the little ambitious citia in the province and in their wisdom declared they could never amount to very much for this was a purely agricultural country. And then came up the eternal discussion about which method in first burning the tough prairie sod, was preferable, back-setting or deep breaking.

Scattered all over the immense ten-itory carved out of the Hudson Bay Company's recently relinquished vast holdings, were countless discussions much like this one: strangers meeting. exchanging confidencu, helping each other build their shacks and stabi ol sod or logs or rough lumber; exchanging day's work in digging a well or hauling firewood. While most of the pioncem were of British stock, coming directly [ruin the Old Land, from Eastern Canada or the United States, with o ia.‘ir scatter- ing of French Canadians there were colonies of Scandi- navians, Dunes and Swedes, Icelanders and Norwegians, Mennonites and Doukhobons. Ulrrainians and Lithu- anians from Russia; Gcliciru-is, Bohemians and Magyars from Austria; Germans and Belgians. Dutch und Swim. Poles and Serbians and Ruurnanians. This mixture of races. each with its own gilt to the common stock of tradition and ideas, gives a vivacity and life to the social and political development of the province which older countries lack.

A Land of No Resentment: T0 QUOTE again from the Saskatchewan authors’ ittlc book: "No old reseotments are native to the soil, and the west is too remote from ‘ancestral voices

propliesying war‘ even u. hear them The was: is lend to allwbohavcsounrlpracticalplan: lnr its furtherance and tbcir own,

This was nineteen years ago since?

What has hsppencvl

The rancher's shack has vanished and a bull! town is located within hall 1: mile «E where it stood. Harry is mayor or the wwrm He still ovrns his splendid [arm and he Is very busy between his form and the at me! store which he runs, but he has nearly in many relatives as he had in Devuri-iliirc. working in the store, on the (arm Ur "03 their own."

“Scotty" in gratilying his |il(~lorig niobi- tion by hreedmg up put about the must little bunch of Clydeadalai ouuide ml the University stud to be found in this part or the pro nee. _

“Bill" is secretary-trezmurer nr ih.- munici- pality but V\'l'|ll& the res: have added in their holdings, he sticks to llli quarter section no he holds pronounced views on big l'ar_m:.

Fred is the local member lor the third time and farms a section and a hall ni land.

All olthem. olcoursc, i:1’|1|'nl1lEfllJW‘l"l"'-l times and taxes and wonder what the country is going to come to if the price ol wheat does not go up and stay up Three lines oi railroads have croaed the country between the Bad Hills and the Sixty Mile Bush, Charlie Dunning, a young English homcsteader who was Living in R log shack a few hundred miles east ol the Bad Hills near

the eastern boundarycl the province when Sukalchewan became a province. is now its third preruier.

The sod shacks have disappeared and while :i law oi the original irame shacks are still occupied, every year sees a large increase in the number of attractive [arm homes with all modern conveniences oi hot and cold water and electric light and the encircling bolt oi tree which so quickly changa the bare surroundings which the pioneer had hardly time to notice.

It is not as easy to make a start in Saskatchewan to-day as it was nineteen years ago. It is not as easy to get established on a farm of ooe‘s own in any part of the world to-day as it was a generatmn ago, but each genera- tion Will find the competition for the vacant space and cheap land becoming keencr. _

About twenty-live million acres in Saskatchewan are under cultivation. There are between filty and sixty million acres of arable land still awaiting the plow and there is very little farm land anywhere in the world 0! such high quality to be purchased for as little money II in {arm in Saskatchewan.

Unsurpassed Educational Advantages

THE educational system oi’ the province is one ol‘ the best on the continent. There ure over twolhundred thousand pupils in the publicly controlled elementary and secondary schools. There are more than 4,500 schools in the province. forty consolidate schools, twenty- fcur high schools, high school work being done in nearly a thousand districts; there are several denominational colleg, and crowning all there is the University of Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan is first and foremost an agncultural province and most of the towns are small and the eleven cities are all cl mod-

batcd the noise of a type- writer. Bill was his secre- tary and got tired ol‘ writ- ing letters by hand and his father threatened to fire him because Bill had rented a typewriter and insisted on writing with it instead ol sticking to long- hand. So it ended in the Inn. on obstinate as his

working at odd times for various firms and getting fired or quitting because ills views did not coincide with his employers’ .untll lie finally came to the gflaclu on that he could Iigriar be happy working

> ybody alas no he - .

‘to S latch an

crate silo as out: might expect where seventy out of ovory hundred people live on the land. But all the institutions of the province are housed in buildings which an ll lasting monument to th spirit at the peuplo.

_ Are you thinking o( com. ing to Saskatchewan‘! Tho government ol the prov- incoh as intimated on more than ono occasion that rmvcomora al tin! right HNIYIIP are ala-WI Wslcumo. II In doubt ltmlglit ho who to write for information to Hon. C. M. Hamilton. Saskatchewan Mlnlnur ul Agriculture. or F. H. Aulxl. tho deputy rnlnlnor. Ru- glnn. Sukmhwnn. Mluulinuinu