Zwayfair, Zvlay, 1927 3 C AIUSIAN Duwigncrs. in ulmrgc of the designing ‘"5 “‘ "F" l"°“‘l‘l““f‘°"‘ ”‘ T/.1; ld/n‘/ fuuml m Dr)/xrr/_1"! o{P.1ns to Dohcrty Gowns for mu, u[v—fm.Iull‘vIru. mlumx afternoon and uvcning wear. 0/ /Writ-V Hm’ IW/I'M‘ '“""~' nmm/.vI[7. Intimate C0|’|[.1C[ \Vl[l1 our New York And Paris branches enables us also to assure that clmtmcuvc Clmrzlftcr whirl} uur exclusive clientele have learned to expect in Dohcrty Gowns. Those who seek C.1n;ul1.m C1’C{|[l(l|'1V can find {hum II1 the wide selection offered by Dolwrty. Cnnntlinn-made from First to last, in fabric. design And wurknmnclup. Look to the lcathng stores for our exclusive (lrcsws from Coast to Co.1st—or write us (lircct for the n.m1c of your nearest retailer. : 3%’ n [/1 l n n. nu \ /V 310 Spadina Avenue - Toronto, Ontario