Julie 15,1925
rtle Soviet
,-/,,«;ii'r7rL Irlzlllre Ngw ,‘a ll nrllr. HSOFF
sell lnenliced, Lo 0l'L{l|lIIZQ .. nuns: ri-oisliy in the liirler ruling flro\lP-
zI||0\’ll!\’-Tlzfllsliy clash came id Ilinlsell wlthoutuupportei-3 ruling lZ|‘0_“l’— Tmlsky rrll_ r iinil Zinoviov iiro ilE\‘ lllr(‘|’E|'|L'[‘ between them
rrorsky liiis I.iei-ri_riio iibli-si iioiiovik Iiiiiilers since Li-nin, with ii (l_i:£(‘_LlSL briiiii. uerll uniiess \'l(:lInl:=l1l(liQ flllurlux iln. slirowilly pi-iroiviiig inn Jllllnllnlsflli |lll\\l|!ul’lIfL-(I LI”-. .» ei-oiiiiiiiiu policy wl,,,.], llIl‘L‘l| u\\'lly lrom BUl§lIL‘\‘l.‘H]| -oiiiliy wiis entllusliuxlionll
lzinovlcv ml bitterly §lL'IIl)i5,l_
n iliod; niiil ilie “ulil ilangl“ nlre Communists. have Q\'(\r rylng to‘ get lJllL'l( iii pure liy ninl.-ing inoroiless use or lime to suppress the 7l(‘p1y1('ll' era and [|'l|(l[!YS under the this ilino Z|nU\'iE\', Elie pm. ing the peasant l|Ul'dE!— orm 90 per cent. of the who will not orrop: coni, insist on private enzerpriso il niiil co-operative criidlng, 2 control. W15 busy wiih lurk, who. shiirlllg Lenin's exile cl, worked out the revolu- izucion and helped to build liunist party machine. He the Third International Hi i directed it ever since, He a propaganda school Wl’i|(‘ll ngiiiimrs all over the worlil, 'tu India and the East.
is in a bail way, and the ipportetl Zlnoviev agaillst uving second thoughts ncu. 'l'aisli‘y, the liiiming indi- 2_ hero of the army; the lnculculahle man nl action. plunged Russia into un rnss they are in a tight hey need Trotsky, with his iibillcy, to get them and
he a cornered rat, is showing r, and no one can say at the grim struggle between l-lunt Bolehevik leaders will lutcome of the duel the lure gely depends.
ugly Advocate: an fliritut Service.
here in all present hope of mania and Cathollu, any- ienne to speak oi‘ including [iii in we very well know.‘ i-. in no reuoii for daiayinli ta 2 Pruceatunc iiadioo , we are told. in much l;n'.E“5|2K‘[Ii2E a united Pro- , 1! to redo nize ii diVl__d8fl. There a now, ncglrhnri inoiiilgerit rlsiniinii to ” 3' concerning reunion KId°,iItrepuni-intlon or nun- ?! tlon vulus which nre H! 9,11 proportion to hair Le!’ wI:_i;da,,}i,é‘,ta1ln ua. thfi ‘int graveyards, to
q]i_i iii, the ‘canister
I I':e,iit.a3,q_dua from a 1
Quebec is Destined to Become the Great New Gold Field of the Dominion
Pre-eminent Advantages for the Manufacturer
quohoo is uni lnl'l:esL pi-ovlnoo in the D(il1‘lln_ lun. iiiid .-ieuonrl uilly to oninrio in pl)pu|n. tlon, which excuerls Ii. by only an inconslilor. niilo nIl|i'll7I.'|'.
The Pmvllice is penulllirly riivoi-oil lll omy niiiuriil iiilviinliigo It hon some of the mos; fertile liinn liinil in the Duliilnlun; liiiI(l lliiii is inL(-naively and \\'l:iely ouluviiloil. niiil that
as, year by your, l)L'i:umlng more viiluiihlo from an ugrioiilruriil $li|nLlpun"lL It hiis ii siiloiiiilil honii- lnu|‘l(el. for ilioso roninioililli-.=. nnil .-i noiirliy iind ciigor outside demand. It: shiiiohig roollilios are second is none; mo or Ci1nuLlli':! greatest deep wiilor porta hoing located ivirhln iis l')0l‘(lL‘l'5i It hos lllrge and gi-owing iniinuriio- luring interests. and the Lrrowth of these industries is follnilcrl on very sound und logical roi-isoiis. 1: IS peculiarly well siruiirod for export iriido. lying fllljllflunt to the most populous section of the United States, and having the world's markets open to it by way or the St Lawrence. lndustry is pecul- liirly rrivoi-oil. too, in ihiir iliero is little l[ any legisliiiion iliuc bears liEl1\'lly on the manufacturer, while lnhor con- ditions are better here l.hi.in in iiny other part of the
Tim l1l5l') are unusually lighi, while the province has power ii-sources thut are not equalled Any-
where in Canada.
The Province of
Sound Government Has An Advantageous Field of Investment
The best CVlL.lElil'L‘ or the soundness or the 1,-averiimunt or mo [ll'U\«lllLL- is liiiinil in iho eugurness with which iiii honihi iiro iloniiiiiiloil by ii ilidi-rlininnllng invpflting nuhlii-. This Ileniunil is. All i',oul'sL-, the result of the eriimntilll snunrln R of the financial posiilon of lllc Province The iipnroxiiniiio nssusnod Vlllllu or on properties within the Pi'u\'ii'IL'e I! 51.570.133.000, while its ‘net riiriiloil Llehl. is $5'l,l‘.lG,28l. The pi-ovlnro iilso hus iissoui totnllillg $ill)_(l,ll0D,ll0(l. rho orlllnury revenue for med Wilt! s2l.sllil,rl.l1.h2 while lL‘l orillniiry expenses \vci'c $19,930,275 81. This included an unusiiiilly extensive policy or riiiid huildlng. The Gm.'crn~ melll, _totl, inlonioil ll Very gi-nornus iiiiliuilo in providing funilsi to assist farmers, lI|l)m'E1‘S, iinil trlidesnien lhroiigh the difficult rriiiliiisiinoiii norioil. Even with iiioso extraordinary Expendi- tiirns, liowovi-r, the Government was able to show ll surplus for tho year of $1,-1-'lll,.'iG5,'71, Ii {lust that certainly 'l"BllDLll"l(lS to the Credit of the oovorninsnr.
the other.”
The spheres of influence are murkeclly sepurllted by ll dividing lino—imzlginnry if you will—but yet lls fixed US the Equator. And that line posses lhrougli Three Rivers, Qlle., separating the spheres of inllilence in Quebec Province.
The Per Capita Debt of Quebec is Lower Than Elsewhere in Canada $22.30 as Compared with Average of $35.23
Substantial Production Assures Future
In iii.lilil.lon to being ii great munufaczurinz centre, Quebec has .1 wealth of production that gives it n very favored place in the eco« nnmic development of Canada. It is in great mining centre. The rccent gold ilisooisnos in thc Rcliyti suction, indicates that zho some conditions that have made for the Llevelopv merit of Northern Ontario will be duplicated
in Northern Q|1L‘bl.'L‘. Roughly 90 per cent. of the total area of the province is underlain by the 1ire—Czimhrinn straits, the some that in the adjncenl: province hus produced such remarkable find: of gold, silver, copper, nickel and "Iran
The paceniiiil resources hiivo only been developed enough to show thiit thcac rneuils do exist, Zinil to give ii substantial promise [or the future.
In nun-nletalic ininoriils the province occupies an iiiipnminl posmoii. This must importlliit of these l5, undoubtedly, mica. Quebec produces ss per cent. or the worlrl‘5 supply of this commodity, and consequently is assured of ti steady market.
The forest resources of the Province are almost limitless and pulp and paper production, iilreiuly an important industry, promises a very riinid ilovelopini-nt. The power development of the province has bcen largely instru- mental In this development \vl1'IlE the availability 01 power resources to these forest limits assures an ecu— nclniil: llevelopmenL
Quebec’s Annual Production Agriculture . . s 2ll5,0l]0,l)ll|J Fisherii-_« .. . .. .. .. . 1,315.23-l . . . . 18,335,153
, . 3,326,512
. , . . .. .. . 90,159,000 i\lnnuriiolui-i-s sl,l2l.2 s.onll
One point must always be borne in mind and that is:—“From a business point of view, the Montreal and Quebec city fields are separate entities and in the matter of sales work and advertising, neither influences
West of this line you will find the influence of And east of that Rivers to Giispé and from Maine to Lake St. John, ruclintes the influence of Quebec City.
8410.188 folk in that sphere of influence consti- tute the buying power of Quebec district.
And, in that Quebec sphere of ilifluence, there is one newspaper, LE “SOLEIL” (The Sun) that covers the fie1d———thoroug‘hly. Its city circulation, its rural ’(:ll‘Clllal'il0l‘l, taken as a whole or individually, is in , excess of the combined (:il‘CL1lal'ilOl‘lS of the other four Quebec dailies.
LE “SOLElL" in the pioneer A.B.C. member in Quebec City. A.B.C. report for 3 months ending March 31, 1925:-—Total city, 17,711; total local. 20,731;
line, from Three
Kohl not paid, $46,026. Total diltributinn -—- 51,000.
E “SOLEIL" Limitee, Quebec City, Que. ‘cSOLEIL’! ' ‘.