bleak three roomcé shack. The xoom into which they $tep is base of all furniture save those necessary for strict utility. where i3 3 Steve, 3 table, three ricketty chairs, boxes, and an olfl whcezy organ. fiudk locks about the place yraufily anfl says;
"Pretty nosey, what? Builfi the shack mesolf. fiomosteaacd here, E fiid. BOSS Bayton Bough? mo oufi. ana you've got the ylaco just as X left it. flini charging nothing oxtya for the furniture. " we the mfiu med Birflia. he aafls:
"Yam mt the kids to ‘W1, :2-11 light we ana’ yen" to Dick, "cwx gefi the dinner.
'*§!_g .--'-cookl.
"Sure'bo. You ggg to learn fie do it in this country. never know when you'll be on your own out here. .khfi;nmu3 mnéflx in this country. anfl §§§1.misL1s might croak any Ga" or run eff with fine ofihor fellow. Can't trust a lady Gut hcxe. 390 many fiemyfiations, ho. You wee we're sharfi of females in this cau.try ana the ldaios is at yremium”.
Biraie dumbly retires to the baaroom indicatcé by Buck with the nan whimpering twins dLin5ing to her fikirta. $3323 :’cm::>::x.:;ix;mé%.;encfi_:-:32;,z — ’ she lays the ehilarcn on one of the two hefis in fihe room, aha they are so tired that they no moi miss being unflremsofl. uné are; off, snugly under the chee§skins still about than.
Biraie, wifiu a horrifiea ana ut unnod ezproason uzrveys her new raam. There are two Baas, iron maa ugly; gnfi susfiieiauely fiingy, half a cracned mirror sat rakily on an upfurnaa snap box, afifi
nai1$ an the wall on which to hmxg clothes. Birflic.hurrics