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ll/Iayfair, (Way, 192;


"Stare," by Man:/ield Parrish

New /Wczxfield Pam’;/2 Prz'm‘s

E\'l:‘,l{Y picture lover knows the fame of l\rlaxfielcl Parrisli. His “Day- hrealt," painted a few years ago, has en- joyetl unparalleled success.

\\’e now present one of his newest .suhjeet~,., entitled “Stars.“' This is a heautiful conception of an icl_\=llic sub- ject. l’ui'ple night is coming down with the sky a S_V[I1pl'1OI1}"OllJlL16s and greens. The figure typifies the mood that tomes to us at the twiliizlit hour. lt is printed in sixteen colours and is lweaiitiftilly

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W.EPhillips Companq


Another new subject, “Hilltop," a strikingly lovely thing, is now to he had in leading department and housefur— nishing stores. Other l\r'Ia.\'fielcl Parrish prints being exhibited include “Day- break,” “Lute Players," “(7.1rden of Allah," “Cleopatra_," “RUl7i1i\(l[." “Ro- mance," and a very attractive series of smaller pictures, includin_; “Morning," “l7,\'ening," “V\'ilv;l Geese." “Cnnyoi1." “Prince," and “Page"~\vl1icl1 are avail- able in El vziriety of appropriate ll'£lI11t‘S. If your dealer does not stock these. write direct to