
oft certain imam playwright with whom I had. collaborated and how I always had. 9. secret ohnokle to myself because he d3.d'nt knew I imew hp 116. taken his aloe: or: under the table‘. I suppose he had. oornl, God bless him:

I thought or the days, when a raw igxorant girl I had. £12-at come to New York and Ellery Sedgwiek had taken the that or my stories; of the kind things ,

the lovely thing that William Dean Howls and about me when my rirat book we:

_ published, and ixflllxit over and over again aw mind would come back to --

Jean webeterl She Ind heonmy mono {or most or those years in new York -

aad. such a an-iendt I thoudtt or Joan's delicate. lovely, radiant perao unit: an: the effect 11: had upon my whole lire. I thought of funny ezrpertenoen we had. had together; of irresletibie stories she would tell in her

intmitable way; or beautiful things she had done. ‘me convicts she


lnd befriended. 02 the III with the grip In his hand Imam she left waiting awhile for her with the light injunction to "Help yourself -— but met

or our silver is phase" I or the zeaxian rune: who in ma evening olpthea lookog eggine use when a caller cam and shpok land: with him on he entered, they“we:1Nt-—tack to the kitchen am throwing up his hands oz-led; "$11080 Americans! They shake hands with the butler!” Of the day when i rode up and dove tm subway holding a copy 0: Jean"e.iebeter'a "mach Ado about Peter" conspicuously before me. my nose buried in it. and au:i1b:L§ chuckling. much to the interest and azmaunent at teller passengerl. I was a Subway "Ad " that day tor Jean's book, and she responded by dropping wrapper: or my ‘book in various prominent places on the In.

All these things came flooding back to law mind in the days in which

I ma slut in in tint vast Alberta storm. I was a womn with a p8s15—M.1'. such a past! It was orotdod, hzstling with moving, running, flying figural.

mg n ow I was alone. was an «no in Siberia.