; 60 ON AIQDIVAL9 GADMENTS FDESH AS WHEN DACKED ll’lI'EI[lI A long journey—at last, you reach your destination-— barely time to dress before dinner. A situation fraught with dire possibilities unless your travelling equipment be equal to its task. The real test of a wardrobe trunk is its ability to keep garments in at-home condi- tion—free from wrinkles and unsoiled. A McBrine-Mendel duri- proof Wardrobe Trunk meets the acid test. Its arrange- ment protects every garment from creasing——and its dust- proof construction permits none of the inevitable dust and soot of travel to enter. Examine J[cBrz'ne-Jiendcl Wardrobe T/‘un/ca‘ at your deale/"J. Note I/ieir Jlurdy corwlruction. I f you emit/1, wrilefor illuflralezl booklet of [run/grand packing /u'nl.r. The L. McBrine Co., Limited Kitchener. Ontario IRIINIE |iiA\ii:\ir.: IE I always think of Charles Frohman’s words as he stood on the deck of the Titanic! “To die is such a glorious adventure.” But you do not embark on a glorious adventure without making provision for the safety and comfort and protection of the dear ones you leave behind—that should constantly over hot water until the mixture thickens, flavor, combine with the stifl'ly- beaten whites and serve at once. “This sauce is cooked, and contains whipped cream. 1 cupful sugar 1/3 cupful water 2 egg yolks cupful cream, whipped Flavoring Boil the sugar and water to the soft ball stage (2380 F.). Add to the beaten yolks, beat until smooth and creamy, add flavor- ing and blend with the whipped cream. “Jelly Sauce adds a touch of color. 1 egg white V3 cupful sugar cupful cream whipped V3 cupful red Currant jelly To stiffly beaten egg white gradually add the sugar; fold in the whipped cream and finally the jelly cut in cubes. Cream Fruit Sauce Combine equal quantities of fruit pulp (rubbed through the sieve) and whipped cream. Mild-flavored fruits, such as ba- nana, will need a little lemon juice; tart fruits a little sugar. Bananas, peaches, or apricots are all excellent in this sauce. Sabyon Sauce 1/; cupful sugar 2 egg yolks 4 tablespoonfuls sherry 2 egg whites 1% tablespoonfuls lemon juice Blend sugar, yolks and lemon and wine. Cook over low heat, beating vigorously until the mixture is smooth and thick. Pour on the beaten whites and blend well. temperature, but will also cause a standstill or loss of weight, because the abstraction of heat will deprive the system of the small surplus energy which could have been used for this gain. As soon as a regular gain in weight is established, that is, consecutively for a month, and the baby's temperature remains consistently at nomial, the room tem- perature may be reduced very gradually, avoiding all abnipt changes. An initial loss of weight during the first week must be expected. Exercise and gentle massage of the limbs are necessary as normal weight is reached and strength and general condition permit. The record of the baby’s temperature is given to startling variations due to lack of control of the nerve centres. Do not be alarmed unless it continues, but guard against collapse when it drops. For example, this is what may happen. The Wages and Wives (Continued from page Z3 ) Bride’s Progress (Continued from page 26) The Premature Blaby (Continued from page 21,) be a first, sacred charge on every husband and father. _ The ideal of marriage is a successful partnership, a community Of 1d"g35~ ‘deals ‘ and interests, social and financial. The home is the biggest business in the world. Why not put it on a business basis? “Hard Sauce is a favorite with Christmas pudding and has several variations. 4 tablespoonfuls butter 1 cupful fruit sugar Flavoring 1 teaspoonful vanilla or teaspoonful vanilla plus V3 teaspoonful of lemon juice. and a few nutmeg gratings Cream the butter until as light as whipped cream, add the sugar very gradually, then flavoring. Chill before serving. It is the thorough creaming which gives this sauce a good texture. To make it very light, add one beaten egg white before chilling. ‘ Cream Sauce is made by blending half a cupful cream, whipped, with the hard sauce. Brown Sugar if used in place of fruit sugar gives a change in flavor. If desired, substitute three tablespoonfuls sherry for vanilla. “Custard Sauce is simple but sometimes gives difficulty to inexperienced cooks. % cupful milk 1 egg yolk 1 % tablespoonfuls sugar Few grains salt % teaspoonful vanilla The milk is heated over boiling water and added carefully to the well-beaten yolk, salt and sugar. This mixture is cooked over water which is simmering. It is stirred constantly and when it is thick enough to coat a cold silver spoon, it is removed from the heat and flavored. Any further cook- ing will curdle the sauce, and too rapidly boiling water under the sauce will have the same effect. _“For Lemon Custard Sauce, heat the milk with,the shavings from quarter of a lemon rm . temperature may be 98 degrees Fahrenheit and when taken next, will have risen to 103 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Watch the baby and have an extra hot water bottle ready. The next time you take it, the temperature may be 95 or 96 degrees but with Care the baby will recover his ncirmal stride. t Now in contrast to this, if a baby runs a herrépferature of 99 or 99.6 degrees Fahrem ei or one or two days, this IS a different matter. It probably has some infection, of which we shall speak late;-_ General Care EYES should be shaded from direct light Face, hands, buttocks and folds of skifi be lspoiiaged with warm water and ] its cribw°°- dhe baby should be oiled in I eve‘? 3y. or every second day if I The Chatelaine, April, 192;, How to Obtain Vogue Patterns Vogue Patterns may now be obtained in all of the leading Canadian cities. They may be purchased in the shops listed below, where one may secure expert fashion advice about per- sonal clothes problems, and see the colored sketches of all the new models. How to Order by Mail. Vogue patterns may be ordered by mail from any of the distributors listed below, or from Vogue Pat- tern Service, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Ont. In Ordering, state the full pat- tern number of the pattern you select. When ordering skirts give both the waist and hip measure; when ordering misses’ or children’s designs state age. How to Send Money. No pro- vision is made for charge ac- counts or C.O.D. delivery. When ordering, please enclose cheque, money order or stamps. Remit- tances should be made out to the store or office from which you order. List of Distributors ALBERTA Calgary Hudson's Bay Company Edmonton Hudson's Bay Company BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver Hudscn’s Bay Company Victoria Hudson's Bay Company ONTARIO C-alt W. W. Wilkinson, Ltd. Hamilton Finch Brothers, Ltd., 29 King Street West The T. Eaton Company, Ltd. London Smallman & Ingram, Ltd, 149-157 Dundas Street Ottawa Murphy-Gamble, Ltd., Sparks Street St. Catharines The Canadian Department Stores. Limited, 17 St. Paul Street Toronto The Robert Simpson Company. Ltd- The T. Eaton Company, Ltd. MANITOBA Winnipeg Hudson's Bay Company The T. Eaton Company. Ltd. NEW BRUN§WICK Moncton J. D. Creaghan Company. Lid» Saint John _ Manchester, Robertson, Allison. Ltd-- 27 King Street QUEBEC Montreal Henry Morgan & Company Quebec Myrand & Pouliot, Limibée, 205-215 St. Joseph Street SASKATCHEWAN Saskatoon Hudson's Bay Company Vogue Patterns are obtainable 111 Great Britain at the offices of V°3“°' Aldwych House, Aldwych. W-C- 2‘ Harrods and Shoolbred’s, and at thb‘t7 agencies in the Provinces, Scotland. int. Ireland. On the Continent, Vogue P“ terns are for sale in most of the 18119 cities. A list of these Agencies my found in the European edition of the Vogue Pattern Book, for sale 8*- Principal kiosks and bookstalls. m V, i... e ? § i F