When you are selecting .1 new rc- Irigcrator, mvcsugrue also the fintsl tvp: or clccmc rclnp,:ra- non-—Kclvm:zor. /\ guoil rc- lngcmor dcscncs the DuLsmn(l- ing ntlvantagcs ulKel\'1n:mon— "cold that kcrps " And (here is : Kelvumor frcrung unn {U lit anv Leonard Clcanablc Refrig- erator En]uv the comtnlcncc and comfort of Kclvmawr—thc Zen: of Kclrlnzuun, between 40° and 50°, wluch is the Zen: of Hcal(lI—mgc(lIcr Wl(l1 ll): beauty and cleanliness of Lcunard. Glccmablc flcfrigcrator "Like a Clean China Dish" Wou1.uN'T you love to have a fresh, n summer? Think what a joy Think how much better everything w wholesome food chambers! And how e just a quick wipe with it damp cloth! the kind of .1 Leonard rcfri afford it~the Leonard "pa get it for a reasonable do through Refrigeration Dis Umx 5 tmllu zrtirzg rmrl mfurmntiuc liltlt baa/z an ' and .ra/npl: of [wrcelain ll/I” 4/10 D: JEN! jflll. Mad: In CAN KELVINATOR OF CANADA, /l/Jo zmuz//fmtturcrr aj KclLI[]]([[gr am] N KELVINATOR . . _ I-llll‘ cw, gleaming white reliigtldm In your l\l[Lll‘ ADA hy . . . what an inspiration . . . ‘ ould taste coming from tl1osL:4lk11X4“’ “I” asy to take care ofthis porcelain BL‘.llI[ I‘ H Why not visit your dealer [()L.liLy}ll1Ll M ‘V: gerator you've always wanted? Of course )'<’“ ‘ 'H V5 for itself in the food that it saves!" /\x1tl,"UUin\ wn payment and convenient monthly insmlllml count Corporation Finzmee Plan. c//ml for 1:: ar tlermt rnfr/gmtlml lzml//I: .rI4[Icr-mm/um/, A /cm/er In //m' ‘U .l”"45JmrL Tum I/1//[um m me {win}. Sam/far Mr C. /I Lcru1_.vm/ I /////fl‘ '.T:ltmmz «ml Care (If l{rfr1gmII0r.r. /l man all Izcr L‘/(1E!I‘IC rcfrzgcmt/Hy, iv/1//jwzm/. - NIZER LEONARD EQUIPPED FOR INSTALLATION or THE ELECTRIC (M LTD., 1173 Dundns St., East, LOllLlUllv ‘ The RL'ftl)I_r/ for NH s-4 gapnratc tiis/xt'.s' fut I_H't' sligltlz-sf, nn'.1-[urr 0/ Nu plate. A(l(I1Ix'nnuI (/7‘lH'l/ stezrtlcss {/olzIrf,- and MN 3,’,-1,-,q_ Tmnnrn. Lnnn wffey-nolnrul l:rnw/ [in FOOD F Being Z/l(' xi‘:/'1‘! of amazing ing/W/wnl nic By .-\.\'\l R['l.YllI('rt\~Im1HHH?' duh Ilmn ;\ cmr; J: H xx in India \ml Ilzvvv who untlerslantl llu rial Minnr service or (hr (ll luv-m. \ Mn vi 1|islInlcurr_\"x zn.'r<«lirnl~. It is one nl xlu mwl tlrlu cllL':ti\'(‘ of lllllliilhl: M ld" dishes, and ha» \.\rHlmn» all we ,. ,. ym ml mm n Hm uh appc.1r=. In India, \.~_-mlm «ww popular, and the tlmm Hi I“ f0l'llI(‘lI1EI|l'Il|\UFlLllrHlFIIH‘All lhrnu_uI\ mL'.'I(. -lurk‘ u, lm eggs, lolmcr znnl -lnvvnp l’mp:Ir1Ilin|\ Ivlllu rm 7“ ‘l V‘ mils thelIInLin:<-lrnn-nlvv nlalr grn\'y(c|mI1plI 1-wvw ‘-K W” gravy hmv. l’rn§wvl|wn~, w \':\ryi1CcurtJlnL' In Vln l|llIHiVll‘ .