ahtly placed on uh; Iimcnt of the men
has which arc to be use, are dccamed Spmrkling uinrs, n! ‘cflécantcd, beans: of anemia! cffcrvcsccnr:
me temp“-3| IHT mom acrm’ '"
Now is thlnfi mm‘ mm j utlhwei‘ playrooms of ymwvnr wnhh VIORAY, «(hue wmi«nndk¢m.' ghmsas that pernms thine WE Lrhug valuable uhmr M3-nlhfw M‘ , , of the sun. The wihunrhs .‘S:ILnmrii§Jhl"l'l*€ pours t}1rom;rh» Vl@lR}‘W’. Ummm=
mon ghlss -s«:1p»am»rL , i.Fhl'€ f1'l‘H‘W‘«.'I' violet rays fmmm ~smu:mhrivmwe,, jnwswn as a sepamvtmr E-fl!ui‘n1ra»1:tuirnv;‘«:a1M:s. iflhne‘ cream from mmlllilk. Vfl@RAY Glass permits nflhme hf these DTC‘Ci0~L'l~§ hlIi£‘[z:_nlIVrEflv‘1|'=!LE’!~3:u1v:1I7fi.i¥,»Z rays.
Alrcadv wiwmnmxcv fies if,L“|FWf31I?""i““*3.9..'" down frdrn vthvc m1rm'I’flh.. r'M1I<dV hi‘ the winter thxc»rds~ mnmww «I! W?’ when the ‘bimcr mhd mmr«§w~'v2wnfi§ the children from J,(;TV;‘fa‘Ffl.WiI§g7j mam m».«m the sunshine.
W 8552:: GLASS
gyms bring your children up sitmmg and sturdy-—
Qfliaxzw em hzasvt one mom with VHORQAY and your growing @lhi!hdJw;wIv mam» «enjoy the full Jbren»e— flash m‘? «the ‘S'lW1Shli'n~€ while re- u<iIm,\:mi_iv,n»i17rn«_g in nthe comfort of «the [hm-@'h)1@vr's..
Beware of Substitution!
'fl“1l‘nr-cv1v‘«e* is hm one VIORAY GHA‘S‘S., .ewsur~y p»:-mwe of which is SWW ruumdicwr We ahvswlmc g1m»r:m- we ruham aim mm strmsmit light to «tflhgrzc ,fz.w»ihmC»s=t hi-1m'.~ts wf vthe sun's ~sp_e@Mru~»1m, xtlhm «is 2<9m~)~ .—‘LU. |P‘h.nrm»gw:mh=s s‘l=‘uw(m'w17wm1~g vfihve rc- ‘smmhs ME s;pwc<c(rwrn1 :1vm;:1?I;s'su's Mvi~’l’I has glh y sruh-rmmcdl‘ WIT! mqucst. lflwr fwmnrnfihewr :iun:f(h)r~n|‘n~.nti«u~r1 write am‘ mzshill’ :rh17s mmyp-(m to
How to measure
Measure the \\‘Invhn\‘ side In uh-In and frnm top In humun LL-r us am the uidth ic 3 feet and the depth 5 four. 3' \- 5'—lS square frvr, At SL5” prr _<r]ll:1rL‘ fuur. 15 fret nf "\'I‘OI-{AY GLASS fur the \n'nxh>>\r \\uuM our only $32.50, \\"l‘iC(l IS lIu_\in1_' h-mltll .1! rnck hut-
twl-n Lust.