Ci! 1%- innocents arift with the storm. Hovering above them, waited in the wind and storm, is ever the mother love spirit, interpoe- ing between them aha all harm. Dayton, on his way ‘in his car, his helc up by the terrific blizzard. He is not far from his nephew's ranch, but txxhxsxinethx but he ccnnot-place his yoeition. Eaxeinps Before the car drifts the mother spirit, one just 33 Dayton is about to turn in the read that leads to Calgary, it causes the car to skid, and when Dayton rights his machine, the blinding blizzard has wiped out the trail . He alights to examine his engine, enfi while etanfling closing the tape, he hears a strange sound-- -the tinkle of baby laughter. He looks about him ' in astonishment, and his Gog leaps down from the car. The aogb runs directly to a great mound of snow, that proves to be e haystack. Here warmly shelterefi from the storm the two little once have founi a snug refuge. Dayton swiftly carries them to the car. The storm miraculously clears almost immeaietely_--- storms come aha go in a flesh in Alberta --—~~ ani fiflfifi angry with Birdie ané Dickie for their carelessness in caring for the babies, he decided to take the babies beak to his own home. Hinette, is in a state of high etru.g angddmw ever since the storm , fearing for the eefety of the men ehe now knows she loves. when the car comes in at the gate, fiinette runs down t the hill slope, and as Dayton alights from the car, she throws herself into his arms. They stand embraced, but little Maurice and Patrice, scrambling out thnx of tze car have recognized their mother, and she is brought back to egrth by the little