‘20 Mrs. O'Rourke has duly arrived in Calgary. Details of her wanderings omittefi here for space. mold in book. These however are of an amusing one pathetic nature. She is thoioughly eheetoned eni broken by her misfortunes, fillea with remorse, homesick anfl lonely. Her funas give out and she tnxnn goes to the Government Employment office in Search of e postion. Buck Calhoun, down from the Bar her B grain ranch, engages her as housekeeper fox that place. Thither Ere. O'Rourke goesm one her excellent cooking, and her homely clean wage soon makes her solifi with the farmhends. Details of the farming operations are omitte&\here, but they will make a grand atoning on the screen. From seeding to harvesting all of the operations ehoulh be shown. Stress should be lain on the fact that the grain farm is distinctive from the cattle ranch in the foothills, the one being on the oyon yroirie and the other in the hills. xfinxihxzmnxex The bumper crops should be shown. Alberta has the record for wheat crops, but her oats, barley, flex onfl alfalfa can hardly beet after a good season. minette anfl fioreh etrive in Calgary. They seek first of all the golioe station one give the card to them which Hrs. O‘Rourke has left them. Also a aesoriptioh of the babies, but they have only a photogreoh of the children at the ego of six months. There is no record of any Levitzsky'e coming to Calgary with or without twins, but the police are interested in the girls, ani every promise and help is extenfiea thmn, both by the city and the mounty men. Eorah now secures a position in the Huosons Bay