No wonder wasltday tires yoll
out when you was]: with
LAZY suns
Here’s a new soap discovery with an amazing
sudsing power that does away with rubbing
i m utterly worn out."
0 There are two ways to get clothes cIean—either you must fl!-b them clean, and wear yourself out in the process—nr you must use a soap that does the hard work FOR you. Old-type lazy suds fizzle away in the washtub—lea\'ing all the hard ex- hausting work to you.
Here is a new soap discovery- Oxydol—that lightens and speeds up in a wonderful way every washing task, because of its gift ofricher extra suds.
Oxydol rnalrea hard inulcr imfl Oxydol is supercharged (with pure rich soap) for 5052- more suds, truly amafing suds that SOAK clothes clean in any watt-:r—har(l or soft. Every- thing comes out whiter, sweeter- smelling-—-because extra suds really get things cleaner.
Hereis another thing to remember-— old-type Ills)’ suds mu/re gm)" slruu/ry washings. As the suds wear away to watery thinness, they {all back and the dirt falls with then1—buck into your clothes again. If you’ve ever wzishcd with lazy suds you have seen this hap- pen. 0xydol’s richer extra suds ru- move every last particle of dirt, leave clothes snow-white always.
Extra Jud: work magic in like diahpun There's simply nothing as wonderful
"That's because you tire yourself out rub- bing clothes. Try Oxydol — ll 99” things snow-whiter and you don't break your back."
for dishes as Oxydol. Its extra suds scoot away grease instantly, almost like magic. China and glassware come out gleaming bright and with no trace of clinging film.
Oxydol is kind to hands and delicate fabrics too—and more economical, for it gives you more suds for your money. And, don’t forget, when you buy soup it’s SUDS, not soap, you really pay for.
Ask your grocer for Oxydol today- in the orange and blue suds-bargain package. You'll thank the day you
leamed its name.
lfynu do not find that Oxyilnl makes more untl richer suils—thut it soaks clothes gleaming white—lhnt it I1llll(l‘3 hard water suit and works hcttvr in any watcr—just turn the package luirk to lht‘ store where you hought it nml your money will hr, rclurnczl.
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BRIDGE TABLE ACC17 An enamel tray to hold gr] ., tray and whirh will not iiiu i the game because it is Clrll“ leg of the table. The <rnri" i- also clamps on. They Fillllii two, pad and tr.ty or i~,.,,, , black or green lirmh
MOTH-PROOF RINSE. . Moths will starve to death If you wash or rinse your wool- cns in a certain preparation before putting ‘hem "‘“'“y.fM the summer. This preparation. liquid or powder (115 PW‘ ferrecl) is harmless to wool- ens, but death to moths. Directions must be followed carefully.
FIBRE TILING l'(ll?. BATHROOBI or K] ll Tim‘ lrICX]’7Cn\[\C .. mg tilul L’lTCLl C( rm.
4 ft. X 6 it up in l ft. and is hcl-l l7m.l. by mcans of pmiw ‘ Square or oblong ml
Ynu can now buy cretnnne and crash slipcnvers all made up and easily adjusted to ynur chesterficld size by tuck- ing the covers into the scat corners. Such gay floral and striped patterns! Sets consist of cover for Chesterfield, club
and wing chnir,
14 N—‘sl'”l Z’i$§‘§1i‘3§§“‘ ?oiN3rm9‘ i A v . v V l Avnbulhftrowr-l th.1t‘is cx- f[1V(i’::;Ht;"§‘ _j ,, crflrdnt or many tlungs, El hi WNW“ [l w<.L cr whic|_v duos triple “ , . ‘ (‘M rluly with its tip, snw l"‘—"l*"'””‘l" ' ‘
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teeth and plain cdgcq; and fl llkht weight, wcll-dc.
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