Over the Top With M AY FAIR RE you a sport fan. . . .a skating enthusiast. . . .a follower of big game, or the big sports games at home and abroad? Do you get a kick out of the skiers looping-the—loop over some skyscraper mountain, or gazing at the famous Canadian skaters cavorting on ice, leaping through space and cutting up amazing capers? Perhaps you are fond of horses, or you may play golf or badminton! Of course you are keen on some sport or game, even if it is only bridge. And of course, being a modern man or woman you follow your game with the zest that a bound noses out the scent of the fox. And where do you go when you wish to see your favorite game reproduced with the realism of a moving picture? To Mayfair of course! Mayfair for April will be a sort of résumé of winter sports . . . indoors and out . .. sparkling with entertaining sports gos- sip . .. teeming with fascinating photographs it will depict life, the whirl of the smart world . . . Be sure and get an early copy of the APRIL MAYFAIR On the better news stands A Department which Cnnrfi1cf¢’llI’."' HE star of the electric ‘water heater 15 Tin the ascendant. With the :YFS0eX element recently evolyed by Westing toll fresh vistas of electrical developmen Ita“iS electrical comfort are Opened “F? t difiicult to discuss equipment of this na Ere without going into technical detail. Brie Y» however. the manufacturers have been working to perfect in the Pyrox element an electrical unit in which all the Parts We permanently fused wgethef mm an ln' destructible, non-rusting. completely 1”‘ sulated whole. _ _ The heater comes in two varieties, the circulating type and the immersion type. your choice dependent upon the conditions under which it will have to work. Where the demand for hot water is heavy and intermittent, the circulating type is ad- visable. In summer, especially, when the coal range is out of action, it is an ideal convenience. The circulating type When a continuous of water heater p1o- flow of hot water is oidesaspeedygraded requind, the Pyrox heat within a few immersion type of minutes of switching. heater is useful. Be that as it may, however, I am inclined to speculate with delight upon the promised lugrury of a tubful of hot water within five minutes of the turning of a switch. There is an added advantage, too, in being able to secure graded heat, since the switch, like that on an electric stove. is of the three-heat tYP€- _The Switch may be Placed wherever convenient in the house, away from the boiler. There is very little extra expense entailed after the heater is_installed. The element has durability for its strong point, and no gidrlther servicing should be required. Light _ 5. $00. Sh9W_ surprisingly little increase, if the heater is judiciously used, HERE are conditions hi h ' To(nfii;uous flow of hot iiatfer._ regliisriieai inagns ° 3 famlll’ Of YOUIIS _Children, for grésthisceghare enormous. find in cases such . ‘’ Pym‘ immersion type of heater comes into its own. Fitted directly to the Xgger tank» It Provides a constant supply of Water» day and night. In certain localities the di tri t C0mDanies have established S loiiv, pofiliéi 1f'n0nthly rates on water heaters connected or continuous operation. and where this ha b‘?°“ d°“°» the immersion type of heates W111 prove an economical investment for thg °““'°nt» although continuously uséd does "°'= Pass through the electric meter. ' HE tiny. but uall - Tthe two foregoeitiig eiecutsgfcgl aglétééesag the Hotpoint ' - In homes whighmpedzlscgs ‘type of new equipment of Ca VERA E. WELCH THE DOMESTIC woRi