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jMayfair, M43’. 1930
Ha/mg; Hand; that
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Sparkle wit/4 /01/6/new Mmwfw a (/M/,_
Bubll wvmen One ’lll’“ll'19i 4 Aclvantagea in the new liquid Poli/alt
T/L6 /falziciixia /Mc(./io(/ /il/huieii. ii’/I/I /rm/mu /mm/1 rm any
1. Cldex CI/lie/2 Remover mid Nm'/ C/€fl7lIEI‘—-I0 rmmld I/Je cuticle rmrl clmme the Mail (1725. Scruh the nails thoroughly. Pass a cottomwrappcil orange stick, saturated with Cute! Cuticle Remover and Nail Cleanser, around the base of each nail to remove dead cuticleand Tl‘l()llltl the new. Then use fresh cotton — freshly satiiriiteil — to cleanse under each rmil Ii/3. Dry anil ClCi|n\C\VlfllLll"yCU[lL\n. Riiisethcliiigers.
At the lovely la. Rlllllili Bi-:»\i"r\' 5-\l.0i\' in Chiciigds eleiziint l'.i)t.-r\v.\1‘i-‘R llmeii Hm‘! I» where heauty and chic are skilllully minis- tered to, they say:
"Our patrons are as fi|9fl(ll0lIS -llmllt Tl"-‘All’ manicure prcpiirzitions as they are about their °l°tl!cs. Ciitex Liquid l’olish is iilwiiys thclf °l‘°lCc. knowing, as they do. that its natural glwmlng sheen keeps their hands perfectl}' 5r°°"1Crl all the week t|iroui_vlil And the)’ "_"‘ Jr?’ the assurance that it will not peel or (.ll'«‘-
°0 . . ex cuti"c]e’lI‘{l1cC!:eo:mart women .(lc]1Cl’_1(l| oii‘Ci:lt"d or to keep their cutie i: trim “V9”, revealing the lovely li-.ili'-moonsl" °l'ni/iiiiWAaiu:.~i, New Yoiuz, l\l()NTRE»\l., PARIS
sl"5C'=\I. iN'i'i<oi)i'C'i'uiii' OI"I“F"" '3‘
l !nL‘i(ISt iaé fur the (‘aim Sample M“"l‘‘''‘' 5" ‘fintniain V \ ix caniplcic manicure: siiflicicnt preparations for 5
""T(!)IAu \V;iiiiuzn. Dept. 011.5
95¢! Box 1054, Mnnircal. Canal“-
Maile in CIl13|iI‘
2. (life: Liqllid Po/ii/J [lmfedr ima’ /Iiifrers I/ni imi/I. Rniiiove all the nll pnlish with Cutex Liquiil Polisli Re- mm C.-_ 'rhgn apply Cutex I.ii1iiiill’olisli, lirusliiiig it evenly ‘From the l'1fllr»lTlnfll| (C|W1Il'Ll the finger tip. _
As a fini-slung touch; use 3‘ “HY l'” of Cutex Cuticle Cream or Oil to keep ihe cuticle salt, and _a touch ufi\:’nl Wliiteiiiiiler the "till tip to enlmntt‘ U9 hull-|ll(L‘ ofilie pnlisll.
umrnie H
I _'l'/zr N '/jlffl/I/fl f/}r/1n7//I/r/I/ 1/ (mod lloiiwhei-ping JflJf:-
" RILAT TH0L7(il~lT has heen gii an to making easy the road to Beauty. The manufacturers of n:iil cns. metics are giving us more improved products all the time. Among these is the new liquid polish that women every- where are adopting because of its won- ‘derful advantages.
“First, its ease of application has ma- terially shorteiied the iiianiciirc. Second, the natural gleam lasts for days. Third, this new liquid polish does not peel off, but remains sninotli and tirni, acting as .1 spleiidiil protection for the na.ls. Fourth, it doesn't make nails brittle.
"The daily care which every ivoninn should give her nails is simple. Scrub yniir nails in warm soapy water. Then gently mould the cuticle with an orange stick wrapped in cotton and ‘saturated with cuticle remover.
"Cutting the cuticle is a bad liahit. A good cuticle remover is a fine bleach and wliitencr for under the nail tip. Dip the nrangc stick, tipped with ent- tun, in cuticle remover and run it under the nails and wiisli the lli’ll‘ltl5. :\ hit of cuticle creani or oil should he iised on the
cuticle every Llay "
AVVA PA\'l_U\V| takes the must ex- quisite care of her gracehil liiiiiils, "Cutcx Liquid Polish helps to gun iiiv ili|l|(i§ sparkle and \i\'.icIl.\‘- l -'l- ii.iis lI'iC ittu ‘make up'ii_i.\' l‘-'"\l‘. I" MCI, Nd; finger ii.iil shiiiiiig, lonkiiiiz irulv ,miiriir'. liiilceil, it is iiseil ii L_!I'l.‘i|l ‘um; H. l’.ii-is. All the Curex prep.1r.I- nun: .ll’C iiccdcil, llD\\'¢\'L'rv N’ ""'l*'° “'6 h,.n.| re.iil_i' for this lirilliiiiit finish. Cumic Rciiioier and Cream to keep the ovals smoothly ruunileil and the uiiiler ii.ii| tips immaculately clean.
. Tl new Cuteit l iqiiiil Polish or Polish ie ‘
, ti Polish and Polish Re- Rei‘":_\:;m:i§h¢r got Perfiinieil Polish H'In\'(' .
I I Rcniiii-cr ioiicilicr (-7 -
End lii(l’i:'m_|c ](¢nioi'er lllltl N.|Il \' .
out ‘Cum. “L The other (IIIEV prep-
uae it that
“ W”, gal.‘ 55¢ /iorfi/niod of cou/ua