-3. a bunch afi 3315323 shnrys. Qhcix fun is of 3302? flurafiion. for their uncle soon finfls fihcm oufi, ana fiells fihcm thaxxxaxaxnat fihcre is gaing to'bc na lingéyiug in Calgary, but fihay are $0 utaft off for north fiayfion at anew. Be hurries then along fin fihc station. aafl puts them abofiré a train, giving them an envelope, in which no tel 3 them in fiheir fiickets ané m preccnfi. The #50 can haraly wait to open the envolapo, uhidz they fcdl mare cantainn cash. The chilérem are fidgotting gramme, anfi i&$&xinxtifi3ia§gticfic: Biraic slaps Eatrice. Dick. irritaule mnfi nervous, is furious with Birfiie £oy_hi£t1ng flue chilfi, unfi his unexyectc? intcrvenfiian in Pa$rice's behalf. causes fihn child ta czaml upon his knee, mnfi pat her little face against his, The feeling of the chila ia his arms anexpcéteal; awakenes something new in Dick Euyton. but he is ashamefi #9 rev 31 his feelings ta Birdie. who protonés to snag: at him, but in yealiay was snugglea up a bifi nearer fie little Hauriee on the other ciao of her. @he envelope in fact canfiains nc money, but u aaefl to a 3&0 acre ranch aituateé at Earth fiayton. It 13 in fact a earner of the great Bar Bar B grain ranch, aha, as explained in u curt note fram John fiayton, s has a house and builflings, 13 full, oquiypod, and besifies implcmenfia una mnefiincry, there are 10 cows, 10 pigs, 16 horses, «chickens, éucks, geese. turkeys, everything in fact ncccasary to u mixcfi farm. Horeaver 1% in stcckca uitfi f90&& This is the start in life he mflfi p:m$iscfl them. It is my to thcmuelfcs nan £0 make good. ' is land armors, fine ycung 3:3€an's Begin to feel excited anfi imyortami, unfi fur tha first time in his 1159