rmnchws, creeks, mounfiain ranges anfi draws.
The General continues. Eb cxgiains that he has G7 ozaers from iadhington ta be fiéeyarefl for fiossihle hostilifiies between shaey anfi cattlemon, as result of 2 new order pcnfiing. The new agent on the Indian Réserve has mafia a-report to %ho eficct that his yraflecessors fifive flavored one particular cutiifi whose cattle have baa the right of range upon fihs In&ia1 Reser- vation. fihe Indian ae3artmad% at fihshington have new under ccnsifleration ayylicafion to permit 10,600 hema o£‘sheep ta be substitafied flbr fiha cattle. Eenfling deliberatian, the General has orders to make a syecial investigation; $0 be yrqyareé for yossible riots afid h&§y‘1itio3; to nuke arrests if necessary, anfl fie squelch ali riots ani violence.
“I am aetailing god to intelligence Service at T4»-~ I want you to get us the low aown on fihia matter.”
Galloway salutes and starts to go when the Genaza stays him
”@here will be a.company of cavalyy stationefi ufi S~~-
the County seat. You will be aaequately supyortea in whatevw. measures are determineé by the Government. Bear in mini that
we will tolerate no aefiance df thy Government by either Inaials, cow men or ghee; men. The Post is here ta maintain order
throughout the country”.
Mounfiaincus part of ?orcst Reserve. Night falling. Galloway, dressed in rcugh cowboy clpthaa
riding through fiha cattle lanfls, his horse climbing an hill i