yf fun?’ 1927

\lrS. l{olu(»ru 0 \I srmnn, (‘hm 0, (NH

‘aw ‘~

"W I “What a lot of rugs

Phone Hillcrest J 800 I

Om. special Rug Truck Calls

and Delivers.

You people clean for a few dollars”

“I never dreamed that a rug could be cleaned so beautifully. Really, our house looks so cheerful and bright these days,

_ ._‘»‘\\1\\ , °Ve|‘Y0ne who comes in comments about H n

'L'L‘ll\'lllClLl~.-— \'_W‘ 3,3‘ ft; a: 1” l.1lrv|tl\]‘m '.1nlc C max! Ml.‘ ‘J2: " ‘sic (lr.u-Inc (in. .. ' "‘ ,— ,—,[ x[,.5‘ \\ I) .4 m!‘


‘RV, \ our rugs. We had almost forgotten some (‘ ‘. ‘I-Wo W--‘.I H‘ the c ors were In the rugs until they V \.r\‘\'\ K \ \ _ x .. '- came back from you. D<1Viv\‘ On \,v,,g . H W I I, \" ‘' \lll\\l'\. ‘\‘ \ W “And it's astonishing how many rugs or \Id{umn- mu 1 ,_ \ n ‘x ¢1“\*l‘ "l1(1vbm‘ you can clean for a few dollars.” and \l1~a»7 \l:‘.lm 1);,‘ . ®\\“ ‘I 1"“ “V W‘ .. TlmI'.~: flu‘ /rim] of onmmrnt 11:: r‘ “"‘lA\l"‘ “Mm l}.|\ ' ' ‘El hrur ulmn.-zl (lmly mm‘ our [NC- .nrltmL*‘()n \[»,;l H [J/l0HI‘R. _lIrn'(’ nu/I nmrz! Tr. C[m.,_—],' \\l,V‘mM”, H rrmln prnplr mm lrrnyung that luudxc. -znn Hf “‘,l“](‘.,‘r Lunr/Ir‘;/'.\' mr rlrli;'m’iny7 a ncu. and ,\lr>. l(.\‘.H‘

.\lr~ GL1-l\" [)4 .' i(lm\ ml Illllrlll llrm ( and :l.'nL1;'ln.~r Hf \f‘ (-l\\’u'.rm-mm .\ll|1{I‘()Il,\;x;}I;V H‘ V .\(l\-rm, :\lr. \\ N .;1: I If \lr ;1nd\lr~ (‘Hy n(l .\lrs, I.uui~c \\; zhtcr of \Ir, ‘ml ,\I

I.-iml of nwuII—rr urru .-zlnurlurrl nf .V(’7'7'lr‘t’—Hl rug rlcrnung.

Send One Rust as a Test Money Back if You Are Not Delighted.

lletmm I l|;e>»:'°~<>;


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