Chnrlcn Aylett nu left: Mr. Kennel/1. . M r, Paul I-V1/ntlliam; lde, formerly D01-athy 9'RuiIl1/. Miss Honor "LII"!

Anthley ii Crlppen Ion. Frmu II.-ff: Mr. . Rh.)/mm. Mr. Leslie I11/nus, lo‘ rlu Mum [flu/rum,’ Mum Glmlme r. l)t'mn'.w Smillr

Fldllllvk-Elllllll Slurlln ‘HM Ia/t.: Mum Halon

of Pclorlmrrm/]h.' (hr lnmlq. Wnir. daughter '1. Min Norrie Harri». Prim!

7, N ozlember, 1930

Mayfflif. Novtmbrr, 1930


eenappy ‘n nacks

~f0r the lce~box Buccaneers./

Because it is so popular, many smart hostesses keep a supply of "Chateau" in the house all the time.

Du l-''.'/ /1": r/nu

"Chateau" has :1 keen appeal to the appetite. "Snappy Snacks," “Uh J ,_mI(,

too, give added zest to the meal—be it full course or just the im- promptu lunch. Spread or sliced "Chateau" is easily digested and nppenls to everyone

Then try Charon‘: new creation Snaps

y Snnelts. Wrapped imlivi mlly with all thngnodnus ofunlimry Chntcmu Cheue In: In cnn tang rhnt lnlfllnlfy I pal: to jnded appetites.

Special Individual Wmppings preserve for you the fresh, nppetizing “Chate.1u" llnvor. None ofit is lost.

So easy to buy—so easy to keep fresh—and so easy to serve! Chateau Cheese Company Limited, Ottawa, Canada.

.l 1- /2,11’ (’/7-_r/:.m lam’.-r."u'rm/r Chateau Clm.-se I! now for sale at ourgmcers, packed in_ lnlfipuund xcscuntalnmgeighnn ' ' ", wmpped 1-oz. portions. None of the dmlncrlve ‘Chat:-nu" flavor is lost. You unsenl only Wllll will be eaten lmmedlltelr Ask your gro- ‘*- car for -1 Hull pne age today.

‘l:§ + TW'E