Juno 15. 1925
\\’ll i|l‘U[Jl0, It in min iiri-ii, t-iii-rally iici-iipti-tl that in ,. )ll|]l||l'lll.l\'l‘lY _l|‘“' years illi- iiitiii States will l‘l‘lNL‘ to he llu tntirtt-r iii ivlii-lit: rt-qtii_riiig ii" .. g|‘l|\\'R ill!‘ IlUlIll‘§lIL' run. lniplinn.
Tm. rhlnlllllil for C‘lilnulil’:i hiiii is \\’l\l'lll-\\'lill‘ .‘\t<l ....,_ .,,.».i the Port of i\iiinLrt-lil ipiii-ii nvi-r l5:1,iiiin,oiili liii.-rli. i at grain iiir the that !41‘iL*4(lIl, Cliiilliliiill i’l‘L'lll‘|li l\linitri-iii lllL'\‘l‘I.l this llullllllv l‘I‘i'0l’Vl. ii. at ll tlniu wlioii ('iiiill<ln':4 l'l)lIll lruiil. iliuir, the l‘tirt {Ii "..,,.u.,..,_ is it<.\iiiiiiiii.r lll|‘l‘(‘lL‘i_ ; Illl[)l|r|l|lll'l' in ii grain |)l]IL'f
('iilniihlln iliriilorx inti-rnli- lull \‘luw iii tilt-iii to the itriiry- ilii iiut cu in Ltxvlll. t-ly fur L'L‘|’l‘lIl Llixt your zy sivctiri-il ‘ -l,0(lil,(l(](] {.,.. lry nrniliu-iii, $iilJ,llflll,lIUil ii)!‘ ultry llllll em; iili,(lUIl,00U
iiiiiplu tiugiir proilut-tel,
luv you ever C(li|SiLll‘iL‘(l how umliud ciininliiin illrlllillx I llecivriic? r\nnnnly,~iiii nfllnlt ir's l.|KYlL‘\lli.\ll"l|l ri-venile lip- us in lln llL'L‘lliI\|il|llylll|Z tnlilc. Tuiiipiirilig the ligrii-ultilrlil r ltI'.l-|, oiitiiriii It-iiihi with ii ue,utliJ. Next in iirilt-r are. $2.\".!,DOU,(lDiJ; Queliee. llliullt ll): t\lll|‘|’i.ll, |l[)WI||‘ll.‘i of Ill. Munitnlui, nearly $16., '|l.l:ll\ culiiiiilnri, $.‘l!J,(Jt|(l,0UlJ ,u. $ll'i.0ll(J.i]00; New llrnns- ]U0.ULl0‘. Prlllce lCtl\\'ur(l l:«i- 00,000.
I than (or form uiiriiiiiini, the farmers employed these
statisticians set down the lltural ivi-altll of Canada at time at over seven and u dollars. \Vhieh in seventeen liars for every man. woman I rural Canada. ltli is "tucked away" aaiely enced by the figures on the wealtll of Canada appearing iues. ltter of international trade. I closed March ill. 1925. Mo billion dollars--actually l0D.200—-in foreign coni- This Culluistell iii iipririurl- $797.0l]0.000 imports and s1.uou.uoo,tmo expurui—-u lc trade balullce of $272.-
lflflthy element of our trade l is the prepnnderallee iii Xllflfla which are lnulii: ill ‘M_’Y'e development, For 2. nnpretaiively contributing Krowiiu: trallie wiili other L‘! was I)lH' export oi agri- nnd veizetuble products. ii iiumliem. to the amount °"0.fl00, "wdiui and niipi-r —actually the out-turn oi «'m“i‘onlrllll|lctl s2s:i,uuo,- iillflllll hrudactii lIt‘lIUlllll.Ei‘l l.lJll0.UO(), Fialleries $40.- rfil whli-li amuuiit, over a ‘ 3"-‘llrti, uhuut 75 per cent. “ "xlltvrtcd. ;“'§- Over ulghty per cent. ‘ll ii shninieiitii iiliroiid come "1. iorieits and fislieriesi _°ur lertlle laiidii and “tall ‘Ire iar-rcaclilng dividend
"'"'| an the Montreal m"'!'“dfl has a fabulous In an and lumber
'1 11 sarlt.
['i1II]Ill'l‘ i'(|lIIlIl|!l‘l‘|! iiliiyniiii i_iii-ruiiei- iug part in the unriniiiriiiiiit,iiin iii ciiiiiiiiiiiii ll|lHll|l‘:4:4 l\lll'(ll\ll. Niiirly L“.,.,.U,_i..i., [air cent, in uur inniiirtri, iiutiiiilly $15!-l.ll()ll,(lU(l, Cilnll‘ lrinii wiihiii thn iiniiiiru iiiiii riirty-ll ' iwr vi-Mi -tr $,i75,0uii,iinn hr iiiir (‘X]l(lrl‘< wi-iit i-itlit-r tn Gr.-iii nriiiiiii lllrl‘l'L ill‘ to the lIV|'n-iillltl Dnnliliinnu.
(lmit llritiiiii Fillliilllllltél iiiii-,initi»~iLi-il iui ('iiiiiitlii‘ii rm-iiiiil l|I‘Sl.‘ i-iiiitiiiiier, In the pint ymlr, (iriint liriiiiiii [l||l’L‘lllL*K'il H, H... ..M..iit iii $ll'il,nn0,rlnll iii thi- Dtllllillillll, \\'llll'll Vt‘K|‘| l.l‘l| iiiiuiiiiiu num- lllllll t1lIl' |)\lrt‘lI||Hl‘(l lll‘l'C lI| iiizi
n..i‘iiiiit- lVI(iil'ill|ilI| hi whilt. llillglllllll iniyii ill iiiiii (‘nullify in igiriii in an 4|I|l\l_)‘H|N ill the iiiiiiiiivririiiiu iii nil)‘ traili- with the Ullll|‘Il hiiiailuni, iiniii-iiriiig in that l|l’lll'll‘
Lil|llllilIl\ll“| are |iriini- ln f|'fllll“(l llnrle siiin IN tin-ir lll-ML l"|lHi(lllI('l‘ bl.||lly ill the triiiIi- l‘0l.||l"ll>K ill*4l‘lli ui. lIil\\’('V(*l"i that llll' l|L[L§l‘l‘i{lllll ni Illll‘ t-rniiri-i til l‘lIll[Ill"U llltIl‘lli'l‘l Iiiiii lI|'I‘llIl\I‘ l{l‘l’l|iU|' than the i(Ii.||l oi UHF l‘X|Illi’l‘| in the lliiiti-rl .‘vll|l.lN. Last year l'i|l|iIll'l‘ lillyi-r.~i Llniii ll Iiillil iii $vlTl'i,iIllll,llllll ur (‘iiiuitliiiii eiitiihi‘. lriiiti-,:l xiiiiid, s.ll7,iiiiii,nun.
The ]l|l.‘i§-i|llIllll(’i‘1‘ lif l‘lll1|ilil' t‘ti—n1i(+rli- liiin are |lIllVll‘lll|lll‘ly t'\'Illl‘l\l, r\lirli[imi iii this eliiillitlulz lrentl ll rt-cellt ( I‘ ll.
ll|llll‘llIl riliys: “ll l||llll‘l|ll‘:i thul. lilll' (‘illilllliun ])llll|'y ii[ \\‘IIl|‘llllI].{ the rllruze of her uztlerllul lrllill‘ tllrnutzll lln» riiellilllil iii irillle trentii-:1 la linvllu: viirclv
llllllllllp; llI1lL hiili ii iliimi .~i||L'll LrElll,|k:l lt>2H\Il‘Illfl riiviiri-it l.l‘|‘lli.ll'l(‘llt for Ciiiiiitliiiii [ll"I)llIl(‘l!~ liiive hot-ii nnclertiiheii “
'l‘IIree null ii llnlf llllllnu Incunle
\N.l\lL\’S prlllllletinli ilwnrlie from
all HI)lIiCI‘§ llnit y|‘lll' exucodnil $3.-lll,(ll)ll,0l|(l. It was hall ll lJilliDlI lllUl‘|‘ than the gross ieilerul debt. It was $:lliii fiireit-ry ilirllvidnlll ill the Dorninioli. \Vllll‘ll in ii t'lICL'fi\|l return for any country and pnrllclllllrly ll young country!
Altlinllgll Unnutlll is primarily agrarian. iiit-reii.-iliii: revenues develop yearly from other liriilicheii of intlustry. Manufactur- ing and the fuller tliivelupriielit of our natural resliurciai. niliiing, (itching. iorestry and furs coiitiiiulllly create new forms of wealth for Canada.
What. then of Canada's physical assets, Lllode nlitural resources over which provinces quibble with the federal administration, avid silver-tongued men and women orate unrestrainedlyi
Mighty are our water power resources ~l1iighty and waiting to he harnessed.
We have one trillion tone of black coal and forty-one million horse—power of "white coal."
The figures seem colossal but they are the studied estimates of experts.
E. S. Moore, profeaaor oi economic geology at the University of Toronto is authority for the statement that "Canada has aomothing over one trillion tone of coal oi all typu. auillcient to last: her at the present rate of production through aovcral thotninnda of years." Canada's
immediate coal handicap. however. is that these coal deposit: are on the cast and wut borders of tho country while alxtv per cent. of the impuliitiini is diiitriliutud
over the area lying between.
"'l‘hv klIUV~'I'| ll‘v'lllllIlIlI‘ \'~5-Ii"? l'"‘“" In
lt in not for
Canatln, irimi all .-murrvs anil within the llflllifllllilltl outlineil is uiivi I|l’(l3 til 1% not),- Unilllurflk‘-[lIJ\\l!l’.illrlrinlllllllnfl nliiriliriary miniinuiii (inn. and :I'.!.n01l.fW0 hunt" power uiiiler a flow mtininted !or maxi- mum Il(>\' ririniunt, if‘, Uieyenklflillu im- at least iiix iniinthu iii the year it at helievetl that Llwtll.‘ are ciiniiervative irstiniiites sllnve ziii iimily-'i~: oi the water [)UWl"I' plants st~ni.ii-rml irmn rriieit lo cniuit tiinivt-rriini: whtcli i-omrilt-to data iiri- available as to turbine ln<lnll'.|!l0l'\ aiiil ,‘(‘illitlil|I‘flIl’y iiirurninrinn 3:110 stream llow, i:i\'c‘s an axerrige machine installa- tion thirty per cent 5,'T€-LIKE!’ than the 1-l|I(~mUlIlll thiw miuimuni [rower
"Applying this, the iigurt-.~l qllulvrl iihme, therefore. inihente that the present recorded water-pm-.er resources or the Dominion will permit oi a turhlne instal- lation oi ~ll,7nn,uiin hui~st~pr.a-er.
“The total irisialialiun to February 1. 1921. in water-wlwels aml turbine; tlirtvuigliuut the Duniinion |3= over three and ii i|IInilPI' million lInr1Ie—[)ov\cr In other Wll|’Ll_"l. the prt><eiit turhine instal- latinn reprexeiits only eight per cent oi
numbered among her grcal assets.
L‘('I>l\Ill'Tl|L‘ ])l'Illlll‘l'|l. .'\H llll’ “wliiiti t-mil". stiiliviirt (ll moilern
—i-liniu It) cinirrt-iv t 1- it 25.000 salmon in right in II Brilisli Caliimbin cannery. Canada's Fislierics are
lmnllltrililirll ]\rrrl):|lily will tend to u\‘El‘L’UiII[! this
\\'lll-)l(E‘. Dllll i\'4\'I'lOi\'i\L \\"E.\L’1‘lI I5 TUCICED .>\\\'i\Y
llore Is: an (télllllllllv oi the nritliiiini wealth of ciiniulri with |'It.‘l'i:t'nln|:r: iiiiii per cnpltii iliiitriliuiuni Iii CllVll[IDll|‘lll itt-nii. as uinnriiituil lly the Dunillilon llllrellu of Statistics
ii-uiii Ill!‘ lilul L‘|'lI.\llNC
Clxlndlfieatlen uf \\'culth
riirrn villi]!!! tliinil. lllllllllmfl. iinplt-nuiit«, machinery llrlll live ntui-l<,ct-nun: iiizii .. .. 4| ., . . . Agriculturlll flrullultts in the pomiiiun of trirniiiru uiiil trailers, 1921 4 ,, ..
rouil agricultural wiuitii.i:i2i _. . ... ..
Mine! (capital l‘l1|[ll0)‘E|l. 1921] .. .. . . . Forests (estimated vnlue of llueosslble raw nlaturialli pulp- wood and ca ital irlvustell in wood: operational . . Flllllorlfll tciiniiai |ll\'lJ5tI!El in limits, gear. etc.. in pr operations. men . , .. . .. Central electric ltatinnl icnplull invested, 1921). Manufactures lntllehlnury nlILl lnolx. K121) , liialluiacturel (materials on hnntl. stocks In lIl'ocl.s!i male for llmnllni. in |ll.‘l|lBl‘s' hlxmla. mun. , . .. stuiini railways (invcstnlurlt in road rind uiiiilnnieni). Electric i-iillwiiyii (Inveutrnent In rollll und equipment). Clllllilglmiynmnllnl l!X]lI)iIIlI!(l an construction to March slut. TL-lvpllarlo (coat. of property and t-iialprnent). . , Urban real iimru-i-ty iuiiiemil viiluutitins alid exenipti.-ii property iinii iitiiiuitiii air under valuation by HIIBBV sore. and for rtiiiili. !l!WL‘|‘ll, etc.) ,. ,. . .. Shipping riiiitiiiiiiiuil froln iuiii ciiriiui and illitniliufed iiccuriling to tonnage awneil) , . . . . , .. .. ., Inlpultull nlllfclillnlllle Ill itiiri. liming iinediiiir import: durinryuur 1921. , . . ., lluuieliiil fllllllslllllka, clothing earring . on, distributed iiui-uriiing to wealth nnil upiilatlini.. Specie held ll)‘ GU\7L‘rnmI:nt iiiirl chartere banks and l‘l|l|fA.‘d in public liulilli-lg; . . . _ . . ,. . . . . .. A4
' inc
'l‘otnl mltllnlltod Vvunlth, lflill .,
Read wliat J. B. Challies, C.l].. former
ALzgl’I'x:.|lI.' Amount
5 t‘i.liin;,c.ld.1'_'s
7,952,871,128 __,__
lIil'ill.5H.1l'i-A 1,lD'l.|iEfl.000 e6.nlli.iian 28i1.ll'75i|i61 tllu.oos.il2i i,sin2,aas.7si 2,icsi,29s.onii iso.a1n,.iao 141,425,373 153.6-ls,2:ri e.751.no5zli1 lnn.ilao.oao :m,nn2.1an l.1u.ooa,oao 2n2,uiiti,om
director of
the Dominion Water Power and Reclamation Service has to say. alid in the reading, try not to gasp!
Here is his ofliciltl report to the Dominion government:
the recordetl water-power resources "
Cari iiny (‘anriilinn read tliu statement and not get it (landed ‘ *lek" out of it’! I thrill at the His! plltlilllllltlei ior expiiiisiun of cnriiirliiin Industry in the days to Home: at the heritage which awaits our sons and daughters.
Only eight per cent. til the country‘: avaliahle water- powers are new developed. But this eight per cent. represents a capital ili\'c:‘.tnIc*nt oi $587,000,000. in 19-10 should the rate of growth during the past fifteen years continue. this inn-_-:tment will l|ll\‘E grown to Sl.500,0fll).00f.\.
r\\'L'r.'I c 1\Illfl|.|Hf.l:[iL'Y The present development represents llenilof an alinuul equivalent oi 29,000,000 tons l'"l'“l“'""‘ of coal, which, valued at ten dollars, 5 reprimelita $290.0UD.000. In 1940 these mm lilinunl figures will. vnth the foregoing
as-iumption. have become 63.000.0(l0 tons 159 and $G8D.0D0.000. '? Something. indeed, for Young Canada
2 to look forward to! mi 13“ Metals and Tall Timbers 3 ’ I-IREE iactois feature the nation‘: -:7 mining pragri3s—lncrea.-red interut 70 on the part of British and United Stlta mn lnvistora in Canadian mines: asignifieant gm increase in the output of certain minerab: gt an important gain in the revenue at carriers of mineral products. fig Last year. Canada’: mineral prodno
tiiin exceeded S21fi.000.000—-approxi- inately [our times the amount which 65-! Canadians paid to the iederal govern- ment in income taxes.
11 The Province of Ontario made the 43 spectacular contribution of almost $76,- 000.fl00 to the total. Ontario's gold
15° production. alone. accounted ior close on
an $26.uoo.ooo. This year. with the world returning to 9.525 a gold basis Ontario miner: expect con- siderable further impetus to gold-mining Northern Ontario.
I-Ion. Charles I\[cCrea. minister oi mines [or the Province oi Ontario, is greatly optimistic “A quickcned interest in our industry is nianliating itself far beyond
Contiautd on page 69
Qne of lhe world’:
Frill‘ K0”!-?T41‘1|!¢£r‘s—TlIo H ailing” Mine at Timmina. Onlaria.