C.',~....«- Ff/'t',V}}, I”: enccoacmn hand of the frost, which_.c,~¢geps like a thief in the night upon the Alberta. farmer, and-1:3,};-3:1-B;l..i.g11,.t..a..,.£iald..Jay....a.ad,ng1elblas.t.._Q§..i§§-.§‘.9__,,.,, . 7 ) .bre__ath. J ’ I»azrr~n'ev‘ei%’''111€éiy'‘to't target, Anorbtdol regret —-that first year in mistress of the ranchouse, the burden of caring for the “handa" fell upon me. Sometimes I had efficient help. mo reo often not we had. to take what we could get. ‘sages were high...—..e. cook got 4,37. and $8. a day that year. The men had. colossal alipetites. l la..d,...mnJa--- It tool: me a long time to realize that I had to provide not merely for the crew of fourteen or fifteen men at harvest but for say double or three times that number, for each man ate as much az three average city men. I've seen a man eat eight eggs for breakfast, together with bacon, oatmeal, rolls, gaotatoes and coffee. lztxaix my cock thought nothing of making a pie 9. piece for each man. Its all ‘very well to say, as food. specialists do, that we eat too much. I'd. like to put one of those specialists on the plow or in the field of an Alberta ranch, and I'll wager he'll eat like a horse when he comes to the table. our men were like growing boys. They could'nt get enough. dam To use an Alcberta expression, they "packed." it down. They used to say when leaving the table: '%ll, that'll_s_t§y with re". They ate food that::"stuck" . No entrees for them. meet and potatoees, vegetables, cceam, butter, hot breads and rolls and all kinds of pie. Yes, and gravy . My: How those men did love gravy, and the darker and thicker it was the 21:31:: better they liked it. Ehnxzzhflanxxm I never saw one yet who o‘.id'nt have a sweet tooth moreover, and we would make them all kinds of cookies and calms and once a. week a great batch of candy. ‘ 3 "mhat'_w£.s"aur1£_g dliire-dntne “cu our hard, as herds have the habit of doing, kept growing. _ .3‘ hundred. cows in the following spring presented us with\a hundred ca.lves_-,-_»;‘-the ‘\"‘- «.. ..'. ._ ,.... stiest little white faced things I had ever £§é""6y’é§""6Z. $S3e”were>VHereford rders and we went in too for pure bred Durocq pigs. They--.w9r9’=9r"‘81'3&t‘7