Outline of plot for McCoy story by Winnifred Reeve. Temporary title. Indian Summer. There has been two years droughth.~ T Bar T Ranch adjoins Indian Reserve. It is owned by col. Todhunter Kenper, who has a compact with the Indians for right of range over their lands. col "Tod" has a young daughter, ‘A Polly, and a son , Sandy, red haired and freokled faced: gi both of them can ride like the devil. I it other outfits are clamoring for the right to Ex/ne on the Reserve. The Indians contest their requests, “<5 upon the ground that they have only enough feed for their own _stock and the T Bar T, whose annual increase belongs fifty fif y to the Indians and the Kempers, and also because new bunches of cattle have been brought in, many of which, are suffering with the foot and mouth disease. As a matter of self protection the Indians cannot permit strange cattle on their lands. There is great discontent at this decision of the Indian council. Cattlemen try to force the right of «it way. This is contested by the Indians and T Bar T men, and skirmishes and fights are becoming the daily rule. Kognic a mean and brutal product of the cattle AIN country covets not only the T Bar T ranch but Polly. His cunning mind is at work to find some way by which he can acoomptish his desires. W He brings from anot er State a great herd of sheep ~- 10,000 head, and with a false permit from the Governme f@‘ they move down upon the Indian lands. '3 > They are held at bay by the Indians and cowboys. .. izgxtnxpntznixxxnxiniixxfinmpnxxthatxhnxdanxxnntx fin knnnxxanstxnhnxxnnnnxthxxxknxpm The Kempers do not know that Kognio is responsi ble for the sheep. They know merely that the sheep must be kept off the Reserve, and the entire line of fencing is m manned by watchful Indians, dogs and cowboys. /1 ‘rkkxflxwx-"‘\‘