LEGENDS OF VANCOUVER that the muskrat should dive and endeavor to find earth at the bottom of the sea. Acting on this advice the muskrat plunged down, then arose with his two little forepaws grasping some earth he had found beneath the waters. “Place it on my shell and dive again for more,” directed the turtle. The muskrat did so, but when he returned with his paws filled with earth he discovered the small quantity he had first deposited on the turtle's shell had doubled in size. The return from the third trip found the turtle’s load again doubled. So the building went on at double compound in- crease, and the world grew its continents and its islands with great rapidity, and now rests on the shell of a turtle. If you ask an Iroquois, “And did no men survive this flood?” he will reply, “Why should men survive? The animals are wiser then men; let the wisest live.” How, then, was the earth re-peopled? The Iroquois will tell you that the otter was a medicine man; that in swimming and diving about he found corpses of men and women; he sang his medicine songs and they came to life, and the otter brought them fish for food until they were strong enough to pro- vide for themselves. Then the Iroquois will conclude his tale with, “You know well that the otter has greater wisdom than a man." 42