82 THE LIFE 0::
Chippewa River, where the whites were cutting down pine trees. We then returned to Ottawa Lake, and afterwards, to La Pointe. ‘
During this winter I was with the Rev. Mr. Hall, at La Pointe, and assisted him in translating the Gospel of St. Luke, and the Acts of the Apostles, into the Ojebwa tongue. Although I have sat hour after hour in assist- ing him in his good work in the west, yet I can never never repay him for the kindness and affection shown to me. May God reward him for his labors of love, and for his Christian benevolence. He is like a pure and limpid stream which is ever running, and which never dries up. He is like a high rock on the sea shore, when the storms and waves have passed by, unchang- ing and unchanged. He is in all respects the most suit- able man for this work, being devoted, humble, kind, affectionate, and benevolent, and is master of our lan- guage. I hope to see him once, if not many times more, that I may thank him again and again for his Christian goodness. May his holy and arduous life, and health, be precious in God’s sight.
Here I must make a remark. In that country, we ought not to know each other as Presbyterians, Method- ists, or Baptists, but only as missionaries of the cross. VVe should labor with and for each other; and do all the good we can. Our language should always be, “ come, brethren, let uslabor side by side, hold up each others hands in the work, share each others trials and privations; and spread the gospel of the blessed God.” May many brother Halls be raised up for these stations; so that the poor outcast red man may soon take his sta-