gone home. Brother N. W. Allen, married down south, and John M athers to Miss Julia Tucker. Brother Heddenburg is in Springfield. I believe M. has concluded not to marry, but to keep house for her father. Moses C. lives and prospers in Petersburgh Circuit.

Jllarc/L 13th. Icommence again, not having time to finish when lcommenced. [record with sorrow the death of our child, aged eight months. The affliction of one short week, carried him beyond the sorrows incident to mortality, to rest with God. 0 it was a trial to see him sink in death, and bear him to the grave. But now, thank God,

The storm that wrecks the winter sky, No more disturbs his sweet repose,

Than summer evening’s latest sigh, That shuts the rose.”

The Lord has given us some tokens for good ; we have some glorious prayer and class meetings. Thirteen joined on my last round. I expect Brother Wallace with me at a protracted meeting next week; can you not come too?

Well, Brother George, how do you get along in religion? This is the subject all iimportrmt. Time, in its rapid roll, still bears us on. The sun stood still in Gibeon, but time did not stand still. The sun went back ten degrees on the dial of Ahaz, but time rolled on with unremitting speed. Mutation is Written all around us. The little flower, so bright, is nipped by the untimely frost of winter. The rainbow is beautiful, but it passes away with the weeping cloud. And 0 how soon the fleeting years of time will be lost amid the mighty cycles of eternity. And yet, my brother, we know that on this inch of time hang everlasting things. Lord, help us to stamp every moment with improvement. Now, if God has entrusted to us the care of souls immortal, how should we pray and labor, lest we should lose a prize so dear!

Brother George, Ishall never forget our band society, and “young men’s” prayer meeting; these were precious seasons Though I view my brethren falling round me, the hope of im

mortality makes “the valley of the shadow” flame with the
