88 THE LIFE or

came brothers-in-law. Brother VVm. Piper was married since

conference, to squire Baynes’ daughter, near Columbus.

Harden Wallace married Miss Bronson, of Athens, one year since. Brother S. Spates is on a visit to his friends, and has the ague; neither he nor Reason is married, but have “good desires.” I visited Brother George, two Weeks since.

We have glorious times in religion. 0 it would have done you good to have heard Dr. Akers tell his experience, in our last quarterly meeting. In speaking of his sanctification he said, with a peculiar emphasis, while his lips trembled and tears filled his eyes, It was the revelation of the Son of God in me.” But time would fail to tell of these “Ebenezer” boys, who through faith, preach “big sermons,” exhort thousands, who are valiant in fight,” who slaughter many a sinner, and wear the marks of many a well fought field, although death has done his work among us! Our faithful teacher, and a beloved schoolmate, Brothers Troy and Piper, are no more ; they fell victims to fever just after conference; but they fell like martyrs; they died at their post. Brother Troy and I, at- tended Brother Piper’s funeral (the sermon was preached by Brother Berryman) at Barry. It was a solemn time. While I stood by his coffin, I thought of you all, and of Brother Hud- dZestzm.,Wl1o had gone before him. The day before I left, Father Stratten, Brother Troy, and I, walked out on the Missis- sippi bluffs, while the bright surface of the river reflected upon us the last rays of the setting sun. VVe talked of the happy days of other years, spent with kindred spirits now scattered over the world. His breast seemed warmed at the recollection. The flame of his zeal mounted high, and point- ing to the bright waters that rolled in the distance, he said, I feel like preaching till the last sinner on the last tributary of that stream is converted to God.” Alas! he had even then preached his last sermon. Peace to their memory. “They taught us how to live, and, 0 how high the price of knowledge, taught us how to die.” Sister Piper, and her two children, live at her own home in Barry; Sister Troy, with one child, lives with her father. You have, perhaps, read the obituaries of Brothers Benson, Otwell, Corey, Edmunson, and Hale—