. ‘ . breaks intothe Grand Falls at Elora. until - _ ‘ . i ; _ t _ _ .;...:» I __', tilt from» ieithe;-§;?:i3;qf";.'tlté.rtt,L;.t“"l‘hen ‘came the; 7 1:.’-' it scampers past the pretty little city of , ‘c _ _ » . ._ I ' " ” I ' .. ' W‘ ’_ Chicopeer--da-rn,,.',a1;rnr~.fz*lng~:torrent1. of har- Brantford, nearly 100 miles distant. In ‘ ‘o ' t ' nessed .wa.teI_'. ‘-which-7' the’ boys ran With
ins.’ agile padd1eS___ant1 L. . LilL:lI' iiutrinicni ll'i lose earthless "1‘1is,~ .-mtg i‘i(>(ll'..<tepts of tihe'i~;[ill"l «leer Child pil. ling. Picturesque as vxel‘, Sul‘- I ' before usia run of nine- Cliffs. - That lluiised to sliike its thirst lll waiters clear. rounded with home Mtections and et-facts, M“ ....._.__.._ 'ty_seVeh miles on one Below the Narrows another rock frowns And in the midst of this territory the the rising artisttgave us a welcome that ‘ of the most romchgng out conspicuously. It is called"“'l‘he 01d little Dutch village has sprung up; its citi- 1o,oked no war1_11t,h,__a,rt_d when we left two ,,.h,e',.g, tn Ontario; who Man's Face,” as it bears a strikingireserm Zens, stolid, prosaic, unromantic, are as axgists j;ioi_ned* u§,;{tn$_:,tl‘tgigw;tiny.lpark,_canote,“_j
would ask‘ more -than ‘lance to a h - n profile. Then‘, the river‘ great a contrast to the erstwhile leger.d- o,ooompany1"hg;f_ufig',j.gomo,h§ggun._o'miles; }idowm’:.%—
“i'**-". 4°‘-‘-1*-'
, n this‘ for a_v_typA1oa,1“Aout- breaks into. at urbulent little cascade some loving Indians, who lived and hunted,‘ and git;-oo,;p,. _wo" _ n;39od+bye_; .1 t ', tug tn then-y.May-t1me? five feet high, A and« finally sinks-‘exhausted died here, as two nations of two continents ‘go-gt -andifgkflm‘ " -;3§§t;b_ing;§-1nto;fiiretty,T- __“-V.
‘ é1tem<5°n- w°§..}~hadI»‘run thirty- . :. .._. .'-. -
. i scarce‘ realizi g
,, -;_-':-l.l_tt, ..dt_s'suaqe us from -spins. -_ B~yh__-: “us’'‘ we launched ‘tour three ,‘rail ‘crhft. ;..',t'he The second morning #5-rou$ht“ J» sky 9% uthre,et'rniles.. ‘ '_.. inf: v._th:'eet.:'<.-girls~:~vi~ho:- '"$‘Fe‘.!‘e'?-.B11d‘5- ,. t°mPt.afl01'*; “?§9;-v;?‘¥9,*.,~.th.1_§.,:.m84 ‘ . , '4 I ,‘ac,g;_tnirq1.ioff?~'o_, a genial §l‘_ll’.l“’_'4ndflll!,\b1e$$g}1t£°r', .__~.~~—r;A. ‘night_in“a.« gotn 'i.ot'el‘“was refreshing, {pg .._,...,_-_:'::;;enough«, to attempt ="i79«3‘-.;,8é11'l108t«r.11f,!,?,e,_l31‘§,ta‘1ble. ‘but lo’ ,_.:£éo§l§1ttous tune, a stiff breeze that .whl.~;tled u 1"£:‘5.‘ii- f’thoug:h we. all‘ i__ag_re_‘_t‘ jl't_t~j“the. Dutch inn -' ' ’ as wniiehie water wns.a,t,.raooaTn1ignt;. ~’i>il0t8: 1.‘efu8ed#'i':flki§'e31t1!Dortunities3itgghttca-' the west and struck us run astern. 01: ,o¢ inst nignrs’ exp.‘e_t_;. “e.,~.was.tbe jolliest and the river swollen byrecent'_’rains~‘i1ntil,” 31°99‘ ‘ha-V9’ ‘°;V93'=f.-I'll“ the 8°!'8"-*.1!."I;'?7!;Iete:Iifis, course. We hoisted Canvas» The Befnedlotbt _.plaeo; ~canoeis.ts:’i“§t{W§hat though they
its fury was-threatening" enougmo. lessen. end only two __hin:e ever lived». lit. in the pe-de-ciueu ran up or scrap 0188;, cove-cf-:;rou,.~la*.-1eother“’l,l;§Q‘«lto sleep on. and
the desire for 9, spring cruise 'ovon,_1n the, ;fh'e: occupants ,pf the, others gladiy;i-,,esb”a;)’-. iateen and swerved around the bend _ ‘fA‘f;_:§:jl:1iei1_;t\'eheer‘was ;of ‘sturdy hearts 01,301-no’ ‘of 0h'h—....he3t hluhsl ing with their lives: and=the expo;-ifonce,:-nor river before we had time to ship v_ i«;§,,1i,omesick for the men, But what we three, gh.13._“.wt,hvt. at- bemoaning the*.:cano_es*-slivered. andgwrecked masts. Nip and Jeanette in t the Nora. 5i,vhite,:'.;bare“Ti}g17oorgjf;‘§,m.3,‘.,;the“ curious‘. broken ‘L tempt tn the way of an outdoor y4_-tone,’ or their kitlost forever in the‘ang}'y‘ swirl Tuck and I in the Wild Cat, each i ran '* " ‘ ‘
« » -.4
' . ‘_ For, days, and days‘ and lulledfiinto. arhuge stone basiniknown could well be. - -grayst,o1:t'e.~€'."r‘§.’ gbeforeliand old cruisers had tried as "The Devil's Punch owl‘-" Below this '7
. y
and the tastmg Of- genuine‘ ..-Ghanaian‘ of those‘ thunderous rapids. _ g * out a. lugsail that caught the breeze in the V __ _ W » l gport to not worth, the p1anmh‘g',,' -t 1 '_ ‘ In Elora _they_f,te1l of, some"‘1ifre§t:{h }-trap- twinkling of an eye and we scurriodout .fl‘hh balmier even. ’ . 'I;hat'canoeing is the most"pop‘uia;r ‘sport » A ' - I , W ' ___- 4‘ ' '0 : t A ‘ -than itBADPed¢:°‘:9"’9$§*f?,¥':L_;§F{¢‘é?$1:1*"7.° launched 3”“ -
in the Canadas to-day is beyond» dispute, - and few’ are the back ;lakes,,__._rivers, and‘ , forest streams that have. not mirroredhpad- die and Peterboro ,.sail and bivouac; but. never before has that s/tretcb..of the Grand ' which s'a.1loD8_ between" Elora and Brant- , ford -been run by ladies. Old canoeists told us we would never do it. Tlhgr told our boys they would regret taking us be- _ fore the first ‘night closed in; that the‘ ' cruise was too long, too arduous, too haz- ardous; but our three jolly comrades stood by us and declared that we girls would “pull through” in “better shape" than . many of the men they had piloted down that wild old river, that is one long series of swirls and rapids. from the" moment it
below ‘the t_'w‘f,i_t.li"‘lfvar'ious friends?‘ 3; ~ and the._.omiiipr‘e§ent'f":'_sx:‘nQl‘ boy in ful_'l*._ *2, (once to.w1sh>ns‘-good for this was to. be our».da)’. _.0f... days;‘._‘,lnas;much ‘as we were’ ' ' to brave the"9V1.1"d,§§‘C‘.'_-.;’Xfi?l.p1d8. of the run. A -
We ; skirled ."si1“e;nt,‘Iy«»:‘,tthr‘ough ‘the pretty town and in 'an"hi)itii..;i‘lfoit¢.?_.,drifting between the velvetiest'.banks»andg7Ereenest shores in the province.‘ Tli'én-“came some ‘bolder out- - lines, followed by 'a.‘we;e,vi11agle ca'l1ed.Glen- morris, whose ‘existence is ‘proclaimed sole- ly by the presence of a_ single stone build- ing and a dam. ‘We braved the latte-r in great style, trutnning it straight, with bow plumb ah‘ead,«;Th’e.;— lit'tLe" crafts pitched, ‘ ' . .le,apt..idlppod..;. :«~.fl?.e!1i,;..9,liC1_‘{royally through '" the foot-.'foam'g5w1th..l;l.§ever=l' a treacherous
consequence of this we went by rail. to '_.' . ‘ t . -‘A 9'; the head of the stream, shipping our ca- ' ‘ t ' noes and .kit the day previous.‘ Qur three craft were the -regulationlsixteen-foot bass- woods, ‘with thirty-inch beam and good, high-sweeping bows. -Not one of" them . weighed over. sixty-five ,pounds «and with our kit, which was light,-,and4consist_ed of but absolute necessities, ' our entire ‘outfit j .55
. was but a feather-weight compared to that
{ii ll‘
mad persistency.-f'fBentetlict did not attempt it; he said -‘ he hadtt:"tjvo"ch_ildren at home who nee‘ded'a_father fcira‘ few years longer. On‘ we _rushed_‘7--restlessl'y,' dodging the boul- _ ders that‘; began‘ito_ .2. ing ‘up like mush- _ rooms evelrywhei'e,f;_A.,,.),:;fe'yv moments more and? ,.—“lst?.‘.'ith'6,i=’;%SVlf§¢et,.‘ far sound that i ,reae_h..os~’«our,, t _ _ ,_ _j- l..a1;srliI¥$.: ,:. e .-above:...etosr~- l I
V tum!!! 3 7[‘-;,o, I Mugillm w -P‘
-usually carried by novices .. atnriveritcruising. . * w_aters;-.$'i;*la,lli',i:ifg§j,, M Q.
But we were all old hands.-. andtvery old? , :"3".' g"-1 ' ‘__‘Itf8, the- H , _ _ - __ campers. and abIo.ut; as ljoliyftaa fl=Jicz€o1.wn’ as‘,--. . - " A 1 diet. it ,.,,.;§s11DDY. and .we’.ll~‘;_ rouecould set tosether—1ust.s1xi-o;r us». x - pnvms nmcn sown run her-*'i I I I -and Mrs. “Benodict'," _“1\l_ip?f an‘d'1»‘»‘Tuc,I;~,'_' ’
. , _ . .;~ _‘ i '1 _ . For reasons},jibot{s,.:;gnention‘ed the: Bene-‘ .7 , , the two, boys (who had ajhtice gpors «who, sorné -fifty-~‘.y,ears_= ago,;. were run- nose to nose, a.s pretty ,9. pair of white tdiets:xtook».»tile:squfieisistg-.--‘break‘ under the. " _ t_L.aker _-from the Brantford,-hoot .ho1use7tol this thenfunlgnopvn - river. ti They had swans as you could wish to see. 1 lounged. l§e_-oshore,but{,tli;e«i ro>:..;;_t.-tn:tus-—wha;;_did we - 2,, ;""""’.-V-"'“”"-”"3-4"UL‘3J‘.'?5i=uvZ}i1'~ git?eat»?-’N8W1"¥05k*'* C‘“¥»"5--On1Y~-§’ho€tl'd,of 1‘11'3’.t",0£Bi!}‘.*f”“§ahd' "made'e*a.~-snccessflll~ .-fo.rward., while Tuclc (l,’."'iar, 'l‘imli‘ we .»cnll‘¢-ad. V’ ; A,<;o7hter;:?'‘ar'id ;;head, ‘:2
la,-year or so ago)‘"=and'my‘ owni’girl~3frIe"nd. ‘portage’ thereat. '»'-llfiauncliing‘ agnin"‘in‘t’ the him, because he bo-ré"‘r‘io resemblance to‘ sf! :i‘:<'1i5l‘73|‘efié£1fif8-:
Jeanette, and. myself. ' . . V ., Corkscrew, they reached the Devi;l'_s Punch divine) managed the steering blade and”tl“iét the way’. . Tlf’en_:f’hi:i' canoettleapt, shot »out‘“ if Moreover, we were areligious .crowd; at Bowlwith barelytheir soulsln. their-bodies shoot at the some time, quite a/wonderful, _8tr%1i8ht."waSf,{iost ;i'tog»vievq,...,for -a second’, .. e 4‘ least a\ tendency developed that,,way. fwhen but__,_th_e1r birch,-,park,,;iguns,, ammunition and feat in such stiff weather.‘ We cutt'ii_i-ough_-_ onl_y,. t9;regppe_g.y:,.’r‘id§tg*ehigh.,on-‘the. ‘__t"e1'1‘i-0 '7; ' ‘before retiring in the quaint old-time hotel proveiiderthe river hadvtorn to shreds be- some minor rapids like materialized li'g"ht3" ‘ble, bla1cl¢"'curlin‘g.v-wanes -'tl'ie.t..l(ia.s_hed-.-«hint» at Elora, we sighted‘omin'ous'.lead-colored yond recognition. So we decided "not to ning, splitting the spray into two gauzy about like a"st'raw.-'.-‘llh_.another second’ we clouds sidling slowly up from the sou- emulate these worthy pioneer Voya‘geuI‘S—- wings over our bow deck and otherwise were in it, and for "two". minutes I think ‘ west, The prayers for fair .weather that the rain was quite wet enough for us with- raising excitement enough. -to warrant a my eyes stood out likeicannon balls. The t
ascended from our usually thoughtless out trying the river. cautionary shout from Nip, who was spin- bow .-uprais’e‘d in rr'iid..=- air, then plunged ‘
. party would have done credit to a -better We Packed our kit in. tovered it With Iiing away helter-skelter, narrowly escap- headlong into a‘Twave.that loomed a solid" . cause, N;-,ve13the1eg3, despite our 1-efo;-ma- rubber sheets, donned our Waterproof ing various boulders and half the time wall of water right ahead. W_e split her tion, at daylight on the long looked for Coats. Sorted Ourselves into congenial DBJFS Soaring the wits out ofhis bow ballast. crest in twain, and I‘ got-about two pails morning I , , . - and. amid good Wishes from the teamsters Finally thegale blew a regular rip-snorter‘ of water*s1a*pped.right onto my—cheSt- ~.Th9 “‘Waked to the sound of rain," ashore, we shot out into the swollen stream and with difficulty we lowered canvas. for canoe lun-ged,’toppl‘ed,: righted herself, "then
supplemented by the boys’ voices clamor- and the long,’ singular cruise began. , a bend inthe river brought us dead against met the second wave: fair andsquare bow ‘ ing at the chaperon’s door across the cor- The only things that made life worth ]liv- the wind, which blew straight into our teeth, on, Another deluge of water and I thought
rider, and saying, “Oh! nonsense. We can ing that day Were the beauty of the 18}11d- and then we knew that meanthard Work.- we were swamped, but not a bit of‘ it. V never start in rain like this with the girls.” scape aI1d—-dinner. 011!‘ Course lay t‘hI'011S’h The sails stowed, we took to the paddles, The taut little ‘Wild Cat -rode regally
The aforementioned door flew open, fol- one of Ontario's finest farming districts. and for an hour I never put in harder through ’wave after wave until she for. after leaving Elora. all hints of stone work. We “sawed wood” right along, but dropped into the comparative calmat the and granite disappeared as though by ma8'- the canoe. barely moved. Such a head foot of ‘her na,mesake,V 10- » The World seemed to be Just Waking wind blows only once in a lifetime. A shout of triu'-mph arose from all hands, to the realization that it had a boundless Benedict assumed for himself the posi- or rather all throats, and then followed a warmth of life stowed away under its gene,-31brea,k’fo.r'shore, where we emptied ‘brown bosom, life that was Welling up into out tha canoes and v;Lruhg_ out the cush- the trees, the simple wild flowers, the in- tohs and ktt_ ' _ t
lent fields. It was the first flush of May “'What'3'.next~?".‘demanded.Jeannie’ who 13.
_ time, and, despite the drizzle that monot- the greatest dam.de,-v,11;;a_u,,e (for her size), » .onously fell the ‘day through, ,,we tlior- ‘Some ‘one’ “ replied','_. “The Eleven Link
oughly enjoyed. the beauty of shore_, stream rapids.»-_ The vet.y_hame__o‘g 1t went‘ to my and atmosphere." As is usual on a cruise, .1!’ - . head like .wm§_ Funvotteh had I heard of an hands °1am°"°d 1°’ dinner earlyv 3° W9 ,» "-‘-37 "’ t “ ' this famous stretch of seven miles, wherein beached ‘on a sodden bank and hunted for ‘eleven Wildcats followed one another uke as sheltered a spot as could be found. The the hhks the 3 chain, with but a, few yards boys built a fire in a little hollow that was space between wherein you cook} breathe rain-soaked and muggy. It was a marvel- and grasp your paddle with renewed vigot-_ ous feat, but boys seem to have Satan's «..TuCk’.. «I Sam, ..I shall steer through, 2,. I /A /3 V I . own command of flame, an.d in a half hour these; you take the how,-.v
.. V ~- ._ , ., we had a biggipot cfi sitrongtblack tfea trezgdy “An right,» he assented.‘ «You know best / / or consump on. s a s range ac , ut h t you can do...
I never tasted any tea as good as that the W a
Accordingly I tucked his his‘ form 8-Way /’:“;-jlw géiulfiake around 3 Camp fire, The only forward, brought the kit aft, and, kneeling y about this tea was, where were
th t th t’ I asped my paddle —we to sit while we drank it? Benedict had at e S em War ' ' gr '
for business. . appropriated the only stump in the place. There is nothing in hfe that sehdsime as He was using it as a butl'er’s pantry, carv- crazy as .a, rapid. My hrain 8068 8-flame ing the large rare roast of beef thereon.
, - , when I see‘ the _distantfwhitecapS'. my heart , .._ LOVERS LEAP. Fortunately for us, some weeks previous. 13. pulses Wnd1y._,w1th_,._the that faint music of i I furious tornado had swept through this, re- . -,Wiater8 ,.ga.1.lOpmg_'mad1x;.over their rocky. .. gion, uprooting gigantic trees, and one es- ~ Ob-St.,,ucfi_.0ns, . sing“-,g.’_’ hsurgtng’. laughing ~ pecially for our benefit in this very place. ., their e-hdlessi. fresfléss, poeu.y___the World °;“:‘ed ::“.*:.*‘:.:“g1° MI/Ml? : was me as e, n perc r e r w to eys. I/A '~ I / H A . t A -D 111 hi We ate our dinner in the only dry‘ place ‘ I ’ /Q calling 0!" W3’ era my OW W S8
‘lowed, I fancy, by Mrs. Benedict's head, and a voice that through its indignation I -cou1d_yet perceive was hers, said:
“Why not? are we so fragile that .we cannot weather a shower? »Of course we
V 4 9' 2:. - 4 /f X r I _ - . ' ¢‘- .- shau Start Remember the taunts, 0:. your available. 1 , t "IV, I t'/ , I ,: J, and conquer heforefithe hour is over. angelic clubmen at home, the jeers if we After an almost gluttonous me“ we 1_e_ / I /1174 I .- t kTuckW:aitd:v0uD1<;ne.1nso.t sr;1e;:1l<ll¢::,£-5 :l}(l)i\;f." I =,_: 1311-" .- g 0' -' b tk.d ov ed teth t t ti‘ /1] 1. “°“', -“ ' “And the cheers if we succeed," answered atnagtghteg tlg tin; shliagce 0? Bffigepoii’ _ /7/f Ill .,i’»”‘i/ ' ZN ‘ A8‘ v_.;., N19 ‘ . at a homely little Dutch inn, whose host, A ., - - plunge'tA9=u£t8:":;§:t§;%:§:g lslfiivermg like t “All right, glrls”—-this soothingly—‘-‘we'll ' ,, ,, -311 8»8De¥1.-; , W34 . » e an arrow start but ou’re mi ht luck so et hostess’ fires’ beds and supper Wen °f the TWO ARTISTS JOINED US' .leaving~‘A589111",=_'II¥{119»h5'~.‘3’b0W3t!T1I1B'- .. Another v 3' 3 Y D V’ 3 best. Altogether, it was good to_,_fee1 the V ’’ ~
Your ears back and hum’ d°Wn *0 brea~k- .warmth, dryness and hospitality or this tion of Duke of Wellington. “Ge-nt1emen.", ‘"9’ iand‘T“¢“7..*§-9‘3¥'v‘?t$3’°“"t‘“‘o'°‘ "°"°“’“‘ ' fast” quaint.’ old-fashioned hostelry, a.nd.to know he said (we were all “boys” on that cruise)., the .f‘?"“»‘."1»-°“t’l39.;W§,”“F°‘.“? "°°k'/ ',",'m1-° ‘Iii And We did -.5t‘“'t» right 1“. 09- d°Wn'P°“*' that, ‘notwithstanding the merciless rain,‘ “Your dinner lies on the other side of that‘ ,3h°uted' "revenge! An‘. of rain, whose mist and grayness shut‘_ out We ‘had covered ..thh.ty miles; had not mile bend... . '_ other sliiver,.a;,shower,of.spray. 9» d3-8h.0f , 311 tt°° 30°“ the longv '“t't1,°'Vn1ag“ °fE1°‘t caught colds, and were all good friends We earned that d1hheI‘- ' . em}: y8’rvds* 9'nd""we were in the first ra. whose site would be '"a.fortune to it yet, ’ ‘ r After noon the breeze abated somewhat, link I 5””-t°h°d'~°“»m3'— °aP- gripped my ‘ were some speculator onlyto» erect :8. sum- Few people that see this gem rive,» of and we sailed along in comparatively calm padd1°‘°'f"e3h' barely. "1 “me as We h“"1°d mer hotel therein. In the very ‘heart of Ontario know how importantly the name water until in rounding a bend we sighted dashing” ‘“t° ‘h°7“°°.°"d "“p’d5' 3"“ 3° ran’ the Village the Grand F3“ Ptitchefi itself of the Grand figured in the early treaties the pretty hamlet of Doon nestling 111 its the Wild Cat” obeying my blade thrpugh over a hight of fifty feet, splitting’ at its between Britain and the Ihdt8_ns_ After the hmS1des_ -one may not find this village on the entire Eleven Links, after which we
:broW against an anvil-Shaped. '" oed&I‘- war of independence, when the Iroquois every map of Canada. but amongst bo-1 ”¢3°h°d 1°” d‘!!¥‘°'W1b’¢a*h- first patting
',01‘°W'n9d P001‘ that 100313 ‘UP amid ' the adhered to England and signalized their in- hemians it is 8» household name. inasmuch her gunwales and temng her what a‘ brave‘
ltall like some huge obstruction-hurled from tendon to some in her domain, the royal as artists have made it a sort of summer °xd b°a't She W33’
.»“the hand of a giant god to stemthe on- grant of land to “The Six Nations" com- breathing spot, where nature and study The“ 3' stretch my-‘calm’ silent Waters’ ‘}?{ dashing waters that with reunited force prised "the territory lying within six miles blend harmoniously. Before reaching the tired as a’ .°hnd after play hour’ 3’ run precipitate themselves in myriad-s. of lesser on -both sides of the Grand River,‘ from its village we drifted by a magnificent elm thmugh thevT°Wn °f Paris’ 9' pmtage °V‘°-'1' ' cascades until, amid clouds ‘of spray and re- source up to its mouth," a tract that in- tree that is destined to become‘ famous in its ‘mrunable ‘dam’. and we °°V‘§"ed °‘"' (3 newed violence, they leap into the canyon’s eluded a larger portion of the present Coun- Canadian art, inasmuch as one of the last stretch‘ .f°" .h°me' — H j; throat,‘ whose ever-gaping granite’ Jaws ties of Wellington, Waterloo, Brant and most gifted landscape painters in the coun- Fifteen miles of alternate rumed and await greedily -to swallow‘ the ‘tumultuous ,Haldimand. That was 100 years ago; and try has reproduced it on canvas under gentle '.§h°r933 °‘ pumng 13”,}d1°°ked I stream into its immutable cavern, Imme- what have the Six Nations now? A scrap various aspects, until it is known far‘ and streams’ '°f yi°u°W beaches and °f - I
t . . , diately below the fall the river twists itself of reserve embracing‘ 53.000 acres of unin- wide as “VVats9.n’s Elm.” It is the most . 39:,.“‘tth;?f,‘,§f}oI’,$,:, 't,de2§te:‘,',mging 1 t into the Corkscrew Rapids, then squeezes teresting, timberless and in many places princely thing all along the river, and with Where we move;
its breadth into the Narrows. after fling— marshy land, while the garden lands of the its grace anti grnmleiir is a fitting sentinel Of banks starred with trillinms and wild
lng past the Lovers’ Leap, a 11111:!) j:1_£:;:o.¢'l rivcl‘ .'i7‘F‘ nimin in tho whifn m_:m's: pn_c,_u.«w. 9 —- i ‘ ‘ vim ~»-ind.-o<::« .~4' ‘ '.l'— A" ‘ ' -
-,r.y‘/\y"r*..‘n~ ‘ .xv~
/"\ . 1 . .. is vi 9 ‘I ”' t " y S . r - v , ., . .. .. ,— . . ., y -- 0 ‘V’ 3' ,« , . A _ _ . i_ A , (r \/ J L . / V ‘V-\