90 THE LIFE 01-‘
glory of God. Thank God for religion that can conquer death, and View the grave as but a subterranean passage to the skies Go on—I expect to hail you iii a better clime. Brother,I think I have experiencecl that the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin. 0 glorious truth! Have you not found it too '9 It is by simple Faith. “ Faiflz has an eye no tears can dim; A heart no griefs can stir ; She bears the cross, and looks to Him Who bore the cross for her.”
Go on, brother; the land of rest lies just across the rolling tide of Jordan. Methinks I see a Troy, a Huddlestun, and Piper, put forth their hands from the banks of glory, to beckon us onward. They look out for us; 0 let us not disappoint them! You know the north and south talk of division ; thank God they can’t divide me, nor break those ties that bind me to good brethren every where, from whom “joy, nor grief, not time, nor place, nor life, nor death, can part.”
I must close my scattering letter, though not half done. Brother come down, and I’ll try and tell you the rest. We can go over to Ebenezer and have a meeting. Pitner is there now. He says that the Lord has the best market in the universe; Christian duties are always good sale there, and then we are sure to get a“ back load” of grace. He says, “ the Lord has a great big two-story ware-house.‘ the promise of the life that now is, that’s the lower story; and of that which is to come, this is the upper story. There,” says he, “brethren, I’ll not tell you any more, you ’ll have to die to know the rest.”
My very best respects to your lady, and the little Copways.
Yours, fraternally, WILLIAM J. RUTLEDGE.
N. B. Dr. Vandevanter, Brother Bond, and many others, still speak of your preaching at Versailes. VVe have some good times there now. Brothers Billy and Cabble Patterson are married; yes, and Aquilla too. He preaches, and teaches school. Brother Saxon still goes it with a rush. The “first year” class of boys in this conference, are now first rate; some