KAH-GE-GA- GAH-BOWH. 133 Canada, and even from the north of Georgian Bay. You are from your homes, your wives, and your chil- dren. \Ve might regret this, were it not for the circum- stances that require you here. “Fellow Chiefs and Brothers, I have pondered with deep solicitude, our present condition; and the future welfare of our children, as well as of ourselves. I have studied deeply and anxiously, in order to arrive at a true knowledge of the proper course to be pursued to secure to us and to our descendants, and even to others around us, the greatest amount of peace, health, happi- ness, and usefulness. The interests of the Ojebwas and the Ottawas are near and dear to my heart ; for them, I have passed many sleepless nights, and have often suffered from an agitated mind. These nations, I am proud to say, are my brothers ; many of them, are bone of my bone, and for them, if needs be, I could willingly, nay, cheerfully, sacrifice any thing. Brothers, you see my heart. [Here the speaker held out a piece of white paper, emblematical of a pure heart.] “ Fellow Chiefs and VVarriors! I have looked over your wigwams throughout Canada, and have arrived at the conclusion, that you are in a warm place; your neighbors, the whites, are kindling fires all around you [that is, clearing the lands.] One purpose for which you have been called together, is to devise some plan by which we can live together, and become a happy people, so that our dying fires may not go out [our nation may not become eXtinct,] but may be kindled in one place, which will prove a blessing to our children. “Brothers! Some of you are living on small parcels 12