KAI—I-GF.-GA-GAH- BOWH. 91 of them could almost stride a mountain. 0 sir, it would do you good to see Brother Billy Piper throw his searing thunder- bolts and rive the forest oak, or bury them in the smoking earth. See him rise in the fulness of his strength, and ex- claim, “Man fell, Heaven was robed in silence, Earth in sorrow, and Hell alone was glad.” Farewell. W. J. R. I attended several of the Conferences; the last of which was in Bloomfield, in 1839, where I parted with some of my dearest friends and companions, for nine months. Still it was pleasant to reflect that the Con- ference had appointed Brothers Spates, Huddleston, Johnson, and Peter Marksman, to labor at the head of the Mississippi. Brother Kavanaugh was appointed Superintendent of the Missions for that year. I was allowed to visit home in the fall, to see my friends. I travelled to Chicago free of expense ; I drove a pair of fine grey horses for an individual who was on his road to that place. We slept in our wagons every night. At Chicago* I embarked in a schooner for Buffalo; but getting tired of this, left it at Detroit, and took steam- boat for Buffalo, where I arrived just about day light. I had lost my cap, the wind blew it into the lake, with my pocket book, containing 827 in bills, and $2.50 in silver, with a silk handkerchief, in which my all was wrapped. Here I was, moneyless, friendless, and hat- less, and in a strange land! I had, however, a little change left. I I had made up my mind to visit the East before my return to Canada. But this must now be abandoned. Iwalked aboutBuffalo quite disheartened. ’ Chicarro sianifies the lace 0 slcmzks. 2: D P