answer, until a beam from heaven shone on my pathway, which was very dark, when first I saw that there was a true heaven——not in the far-setting sun, where the Indian anticipated a rest, a home for his spirit—but in the bosom of the Highest.
I view my life like the mariner on the wide ocean, without a compass, in the dark night, as he watches the heavens for the north star, which his eye having
discovered, he makes his way amidst surging seas, and tossed by angry billows into the very jaws of death, till
he arrives safely anchored at port. Ihave been tossed with hope and fear in this life; no star-light shone or: my way, until the men of God pointed me to a Star in the East, as it rose with all its splendor and glory. It was the Star of Bethlehem. I could now say in the language of the poet- “ Once on the raging seas I rode,
The storm was loud, the night was dark;
The ocean yawned, and rudely blowed The wind that tossed my foundering bark.”
Yes, I hope to sing some day in the realms of bliss-
“It was my guide, my light, my all! It bade my dark foreboding cease;
And through the storm and danger’s thrall, It led me to the port of peace.”
Ihave not the happiness of being able to refer to written records in narrating the history of my fore- fathers; but I can reveal to the world what has long been laid up in my memory; so that when “I go the way of all the earth,” the crooked and singular paths
which I have made in the world, may not only be a 2