A WORD TO THE READER. Ir would be presumptuous in one, who has but recently been brought out of a wild and savage state; and who has since received but three years’ schooling, to under- take, without any assistance, to publish to the world a work of any kind. It is but a few years since I began to speak the English language. An unexpected oppor- tunity occurred of submitting my manuscript to a friend, who has kindly corrected all serious grammatical errors, leaving the unimportant ones wholly untouched, that my own style may be exhibited as truly as possible. The public and myself are indebted to him for his kind aid, and he has my most sincere thanks. The language, (except in a few short sentences,) the plan, and the arrangement are all my own 5 and I am wholly responsible for all the statements, and the remaining defects. My work is now accomplished; and I am too well aware of the many faults which are still to be found therein. Little could I imagine, that I should have to contend with so many obstacles. All along, have I felt my great deficiency; and my inade- quacy for such an undertaking. I would fain hope, however, that the kind Reader will throw the mantle of charity over errors of every kind. I am a stranger in a 9