It is far behind New York, Philadelphia, and perhaps Baltimore, and New Orleans. I met with a few choice spirits—-Brothers King, Rand, VVise, and Smith; and on the Sabbath, I addressed the Sabbath School in Russel street. In the evening we had a delightful meeting. I remained with Brother H. Merrell’s family during my sojourn, and I shall always recollect them with feelings of sincere gratitude. I visited several noted places while in that vicinage,—the Monument on Bunker’s (or rather Breed’s) Hill, etc. ; I went also on the top of the State House when the sky was clear. It was from this point that I saw the works of the white man. The steeples, vessels arriving, and others spreading their sails for distant lands. The wharves were filled with merchandise. A few steamboats were running here and there, breathing out fire and smoke. On my left, I noticed several towns. The steam cars from Worcester rolled on from the west ; others were starting for Providence, and whizzed along the flats like a troop of runaway "horses. Here were factories in different directions. As I saw the prosperity of the white man, I said, while tears filled my eyes, “ Happy art thou, O Israel, who is like unto thee, Opeople saved by the Lord ."’ VVhen I thought of the noble race of red men who once lived and roamed in all the land, and upon the waters as far as my eye could reach, the fol- lowing thoughts arose in my mind, which I have since penned.
Once more I see my fathers’ land Upon the beach, where oceans roar;
VVhere whiten’d bones bestrew the sand, Of some brave warrior of _‘