4 '!V"'Ii4-5 A .. 4 -c..;._-._.4 .. ‘'‘‘<-\ ..=- » "‘-A1)‘. LEGENDS OF VANCOUVER woods near Siwash Rock you will find a large rock and a smaller one beside it. They are the shy little bride-wife from the north, with her hour-old baby beside her. And from the uttermost parts of the world vessels come daily throbbing and sailing up the Narrows. From far trans-Pacific ports, from the frozen North, from the lands of the Southern Cross, they pass and repass the living rock that was there before their hulls were shaped, that will be there when their very names are forgotten, when their crews and their captains have taken their long last voyage, when their mer- chandise has rotted, and their owners are known no more. But the tall, grey column of stone will still be there—a monument to one rnan’s fidelity to a generation yet unbom— and will endure from everlasting to ever- lasting. 16