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Allen street Station. Oh what a happy meeting this was. Here Isaw some of the greatest among them weep for joy. “ Amen, halleluiah, glory to God,” and similar ejaculations, rang through, and filled the house. In this vast assembly was a solitary Indian—George Copway! Never can I forget that evening! What- ever may be my future lot in this life, I will always thank God for the privilege of attending these services. May the Lord pour out his Spirit on all his churches.
The next day I visited Newark, N. J., to see brother Abraham Hedenburg, with whom I had become acquainted in Illinois, at the house of his brother James. Here I met with a great deal of kindness. Brother Bartine, of the Franklin Station, requested me to preach for him in the morning ; and Brother Ayers, of the Northern Station, invited me to preach for him in the evening. Brother Ayers gave me about $8.00 worth of books, which I had the pleasure of perusing during the winter. This was a favor—-a distinguished favor indeed. I have seen that dear brother but once since. May the Lord be gracious to him.
My visit to Brother Hedenburg was delighful. I met many friends here, to whom I can never be thank- ful enough. May God visit them in great mercy. I saw them again last summer, and partook of their kind hospitalities. I feel more and more indebted to them ; especially to Brother Hedenburg.
My next journey was to Boston. Dr. Bangs gave me a letter of introduction to a brother in that city. I remained about two weeks, looking at the Yankees and their city. Boston is much overrated ; there are a few verv few pretty spots ; the rest is crooked and narrow.